scientific analysis of the causes of the earthquake in Mexico

in meksiko •  7 years ago 


Two powerful earthquakes over a 12-day period have rocked Mexico to tear down buildings, sending people sidled into the streets, killing hundreds of people who can not escape the pile of collapsing buildings. On September 7 the magnitude 8.1 magnitude quake that was the most devastating earthquake that struck Mexico in the last hundred years it rocked the country to devastate its southern part adjacent to the epicenter located in the Pacific Ocean. Then Tuesday 19 September 7.1 magnitude earthquake centered on 100 miles from southeast of Mexico City created devastating damage in the Mexican capital. The earthquake happened to coincide with the 1985 earthquake warning that killed 10,000 people in Mexico. Why Mexico continues to be hit by a powerful earthquake? The location of Mexico makes it vulnerable to shaken by devastating earthquakes because it is located in a subduction zone. The subduction zone is the part of the Earth where one plate of crust shifts slowly one the other under it. In the case of Mexico, a Pacific plate, Cocos, is slowly moving beneath the North American continental plate. From time to time, stress is created by friction between one plate and another, and at one stage it becomes so large that it releases enormous energy in the form of earthquakes. The subduction zone is responsible for two recent earthquakes along the west coast of Central America, from Central Mexico to Panama, said Gavin Hayes, pakargeofisika of the US Geological Survey (USGS). Other subductions are found worldwide and believed to be the triggers of the world's most devastating earthquakes. In fact, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or higher, occurs only in the subduction zone, Hayes said. Examples are the 9.1 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 2011, the 9.1 magnitude earthquake in Aceh in 2004, the 9.2 magnitude earthquake in Alaska in 1964 and the magnitude 9.5 magnitude earthquake in Chilepada 1960.

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