in melodious •  7 years ago 

Beloved welcome to June, our Month of Melodious Sound.
Reasons Why You Should Make Melodious Sound .34157282_1845437265501008_5910663258938802176_n.jpg

  1. When you make Melodious Sound, you obey. Singing isn’t an option in Scripture. It’s a command. (Colossians 3:16) (Ephesians 5:18-19)
  2. When you make Melodious Sound, you dig deep roots in the Word.(Colossians 3:16
  3. When you make Melodious Sound, you build up others. Ephesians 5:19 .Psalm 105:1-2,received_1881532261911510.jpeg
  4. When you make Melodious Sound, you make war.(Ephesians 5:16).
  5. When you make Melodious Sound, you are spiritually strengthened for trial. (Acts 16:25)
  6. When you make Melodious Sound , you walk a God-designed pathway to joy. Psalms 5:11Psalms 59:16
    James 5:13:received_2181272905434897.jpeg
  7. When you make Melodious Sound, you glorify God.
    8.Beloved ,there is a link between Melodious Sound and victory, Psalms 27: 1-6.
    Throughout this month and beyond you will make and hear only Melodious Sound in Jesus name. Happy New Month.
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