Have you applied to be a part of the Melos Studio tokensale on Kucoin? If you haven't done so yet, you are already late for the party, because the registration period has already ended and the token sale will take place in a few hours from now.
Melos will have a total of 1,000,000,000 tokens available, and 15,000,000 tokens will be sold during the token sale. In other words, only a tiny amount of the total supply. But, it is still a good part and you can find even more information about the token and the token sale right here: https://www.kucoin.com/land/spotlight_r5/137
Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a part of such a token sale? Is it hard? Is it profitable? We don't know about the Melos Studio tokensale on Kucoin yet, but we will report back once we know the results and whether or not the tokens have taken off in value or not.
But, you can also learn more about the Spotlight platform on Kucoin and how you can be a part of future token sales on Kucoin right here: https://www.ipaddressguide.org/how-to-take-part-in-a-spotlight-launchpad-project-on-kucoin-is-it-worth-it/
Have you taken part in this? Or are you more like a Binance launchpad only kid? Or have you never ever taken part in such sales at all?