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ETC my precius

it is a real problem if even Gendalph does not know what to do...

You think it is funny!?)

Well you are at least here on Steemit putriayu ;)

yeah haha ;)

This is how I imagine @dan and @benjojo feel today. hehe. You can see it bigger here :

Thanks for the up vote benjojo

It is the begginning!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I think i should make a meme instead of photography and no earning blogging that takes 2-4 hours of my time but nothing . i like your idea :)

Why not all three? :) If you had Ethereum before the fork, you automatically have both Ethereum Classic and "New Ethereum" after the fork.

creator meme,, awesome

What do you think about my first meme .
Hail meme master :p

I wish i had more Steem Power....running low and i really like it. Amusing and interesting. What are we saying to younger women about their prospects of garnering support and attention if they feel they must compete with older women who can utilize their sexuality and freedom to travel? I hope they conclude that concentrating on the myriad of other means of creating quality content and focusing on unique creativity will eventually reward them. Super.

Deep didnt they? , well you can use this for next meme , split the loot haha jk mate thanks for upvote that already make me happy , making one meme for 1.16 sd i can make 20 everyday for you hehe .

what up wings dao?

You know anything about splitting ether thats still in the DAO into ETC??

heheheh so funny

STEEM, it lets the rich give to the poor! Real money will soon be obsolete!

Ethereum classic it's not the new ehtereum, it's the old one, whitout any change. Ehtereum is the new ethereum.

I know. Ethereum Classic is/was Ethereum......but the 'new' Ethereum has been given the name 'Ethereum' so i am distinguishing between the two by calling it new Ethereum. So everyone is clear :)


bikini and titties always win over great histories and interesting posts.. sick sad world.

I like ethereum, and most of the crypto I own is ether. I am rooting for STEEM and Bitshares though. However, it seems there might be room for all 3. Nobody knows whats going to take over in time. It's kind of an exciting show!

I just got into steem, i heard coinbase won't be supporting ETC so ehh why not part hardyyyyy.

We are living interesting moments in crypto, thank you for share @benjojo

Classic of course!