What's up Steemian #spacememe -ians, erhem, yeah?
We've been to the Moon and Mars. We've traveled to the briny depths. For Meme Contest #5, we'll Steem the Eclipse! (An eclipse happens when the moon passes in front of the sun). In the mean time, check out the...
Or, if you prefer.... the most awesome and amazing:
1st Place: @jennswall

2nd and 3rd Place: ???

Still no screenshot. I haven't had the time to troubleshoot it. Besides, you can always check my wallet to see the transfer of 1.825 SBD to @jennswall! The remaining 50% of the SBD that should have gone for 2nd & 3rd places (0.825SBD) was added to the SBD savings. I'm collecting it and will use it to offer better prizes in future meme contests.
Recap of Cosmo's #spacememe Contests
Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean (details)
Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean (example)
Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean (update)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (details)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (example)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (reminder)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (winners)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (details)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (example)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (reminder)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (winner)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (details)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (example)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (reminder)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (winner)
The Dude Abides
"The Dude Abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowing that he's out there, the Dude. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners." — The Cowboy
Take it easy, Dudes!
Follow me on Twitter: @cosmo_crator :)-~
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Cosmo's Cannabis Posts

- The Cannabis Talk
- A Stoner on the Oregon Trail
- Wake Me Up Before You Stone Me
- The Conditions Talk: Schedule 1 Narcotics, Anyone?
- Response to @erikaharris' "A Native View of Cannabis Dosing"
- The Cannabis Talk [2]: The International Call for Decriminalization
[NOTE: Click here for an archive of all The Talks]