Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean [UPDATE]

in meme •  8 years ago 

Have you ever heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Apparently, that's a misnomer.

Only one day left! Get your entries in! This round we're Steeming the Ocean, you know, that place that's become a swirling vortex of plastic trash? Yeah. Well, that's also where astronauts practice working in extreme environments. It seems there's a lot of pressure at the bottom of the ocean.

Let's see what kind of #spacememe you can throw down! I dare you to make it funny! But, follow the rules. This ain't 'Nam, you know?

The #spacememe contest runs until Sunday, August 13th. To enter or to see the prizes and rules, click Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean (details).

Recap of Cosmo's #spacememe Contests

Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean

Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean (details)
Meme Contest #4: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem the Ocean (example)

Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars

Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (details)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (example)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (reminder)
Meme Contest #3: Screw the Moon, Let's Steem Mars (winners)

Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux

Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (details)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (example)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (reminder)
Meme Contest #2: Steem in Space, Part Deux (winner)

Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space

Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (details)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (example)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (reminder)
Meme Contest #1: Steem in Space (winner)

What are you waiting for? Let's go on an underwater #spacememe adventure and Steem the Ocean!

And, as a surfer, he explored the beaches of southern California...

"We bid your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well." — Walter Sobchak

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