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somebody need to tell the UK Labour party this

Fuck corbyn seriously, guys a traitor to everything the UK has stood for, for 500 years.

the worse part is the younger generation fucking love him

Thankfully the younger younger generation(Gen Z) is becoming more and more conservative by the day, so there's still hope down the track.

yer i think we will see a Labour government at the next election. they will fuck up the country and we won't be leaving the EU

Nah brexit is well and truly underway now, even though it's taken a year you're finally getting there, if Labour couldn't win this time, they won't win next time, May is about as conservative as Hitler and Corbyn is a literal communist so next election there'll be a change (vote ukip!)

lol, i'm a member of ukip. i'm also quite active on the ground.

Oh awesome man haha, i'm a very very big fan of Nigel farage, would love to see him as PM one day.