RE: Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto Part 1 of......

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Converting Hate Memes in to Crypto Part 1 of......

in meme •  7 years ago  (edited)

Actually you did threaten to kill me, we all know what "full force" means--as I said, open/conceal carry versus you having no physical training in self-defense techniquest that do not involve the use of firearms. Plus, it contradicts your notion of apologizing to me if you claimed I needed to apologize to you. I guess you can't even keep your own story straight at this point.
And in text messages that are long gone, you claimed that I needed to die so the world would be rid of me. We both know that. You see, you don't have to archive screenshots for 2 years (5 or 6 if you're Skeeba-deeba-doo, 10 or so if it's pathetic is that???) when you simply abide in the truth and have a clear conscience.

So while your fellow cult followers may not understand the context, after 20 years, I clearly do. You can deceive your neighbors, but you haven't deceived me.

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My words are very clear. I did not ever threaten to kill you, you are incorrect in your understanding of what I said. Anyone here can see exactly what I said.

You are also incorrect in your assumption that I have no physical training in self defense.

I think it is you who has a hard time keeping the story straight. Case in point, Noahide laws. I had never ever heard of them til you questioned me about them. Even now I couldn't even tell you what they are. Yet you claim I'm lying about them. You appear to be mentally unstable. I feel sorry for you.

I wrote you out of my life over 2 years ago as is evidence by the above screenshot yet you have persisted via text message, other Facebook profiles and in Facebook messenger. You have resorted to taking pictures from my Facebook and using them to mock me. I can't stop you from doing that. The only thing I can do is choose how I respond. I've found a way to take a negative thing and turn it around to good. You make your hate meme's about me and I get to take them and make crypto off them.

As far as claiming in text message you need to die, I do not recall saying that, and I do not have record of that in my text messages with you. If I did say that, I am sorry, I must have let my anger get the best of me in a moment of weakness. Will you forgive me Daniel @dmschultzy?

I see you went back and editted the above comment after I had commented.

First of, if living a life modeled after Yeshua the Messiah,( that is a life of striving toward obedience to the commands of God given to his children) makes me a part of a cult, then I gladly welcome that label you put on me.

Did you claim to abide in truth? That's laughable. You can't stand the truth. You can't stand anyone who follows the truth. Of course I'm referring to the BIBLICAL definition of truth and not some man made definition of it.

Your righteousness is righteousness forever, And Your Torah is truth.
Psalms 119:142

No I did not edit my comment as you claim. I never said you didn't follow the Torah...the Talmud is considered part of the Torah. The torah in the Bible is different and is simply a term for law or instructions. We've discussed this and you refused to acknowledge or even give basic definitions; you even refuse to define Mosaic Torah, etc.! You're words were, "it doesn't matter!"
(because you know it's game over as soon as you do--and as I said, it's "hate" for me to point out that you and your cronies are using blasphemous texts)
But as usual--you outed yourself again, and that is why you use it as a proper noun--because it is a reference to the Gemara. You forget that I've studied the Talmud and I am familiar with serpent tongued tactics. I also know the Talmud allows you to lie and deceive and play such semantics such as "oh no, it's just the 'Torah', not anything else!" whilst giving no definitions...
Please, try your games with someone else.

Maybe that's your issue, you've studied the Talmud and it's alive and well and working in you. I have never studied the Talmud, and the Talmud is not a part of the Torah as far as I know. The Torah, is the law given by God which is contained in the first 5 books of the Bible. The Talmud is not in the Bible.

And yet your wife and your leaders use it--maybe you should say something...because if I have a problem for studying--surely they would for USING it right? Your own logic betrays you!
See, you can speak with a forked tongue all you want. Your actions speak for you.

  1. My only leaders are Yehovah and his son Yeshua.

  2. My wife does not use the Talmud.

Posting a quote from the Talmud does not mean u follow the or practice the Talmud any more than laying down in a cow pasture makes you a pile of bull crap.

You've already proven yourself a liar in this conversation--just like you did last time and as I said, the actions and logic used speak louder than your pleas for denial. Have a nice night bud.

I haven't lied about any at all in this conversation. Also what or who is CC? I never saw an answer from you on that.

Uhhh, you said I was wrong for studying the Talmud, but said your wife was right for using it...

That's a lie and a contradiction in logic--so answer it. Sux getting enmeshed in your own webs doesn't it? lolz

Just so you know. He actually does have training in Taekwondo. So your assumption of the use of actual weapons is pathetic and a way to stir up more drama. He has asked you several times to just leave him alone. But you being the child that you obviously are won't. You go out of your way to find his post... It's actually quite sad. Find something better to do and grow the hell up!

Actually, I told him not to debate and he kept tagging me on various posts and posting publicly about me--so I responded--so you've got it backwards. I deleted several of his instigating posts on my fb frontpage until he became so angry that he deleted as me as a friend for deleting such idiocy off of my social media!

Taekwondo is not generally considered a self-defense technique, it's a tournament style. Although more and more are advocating for it. "Combat" styles are self-defense techniques--but I digress, as you clearly do not have proper legitimate knowledge in this; I on the other hand at one point in my life maintained an internationally recognized credential.
And Dustin, I asked "what your opinion" was on the Noahide laws, NOT if you've ever/never heard of them. So again, you two can't keep your stories straight.
And yes Dustin, we know what you meant, because we were both into CC and the like at the time--you can self-delude, that is fine, but we both know the truth, and publicly posting that you hope specific people become ill and die...well, that's also a "death" (look up "die" in the dictionary) threat.
Just like 2 winters ago--of course I'll forgive you. :]

As far as "hate" memes--they parody your previous responses to me. That isn't "hate". Hate is when you threaten to harm or kill grab a chainsaw and get to work on your planks bud.

Maybe I should have asked Cassie about the Noahide Laws, since she is receptive to the source for them...
Screenshot-2018-3-18  dwells.png

Let me guess: that is somehow "hate" on my part again. I thought you said you aren't practicing judaism? But you guys post from judaism? Maybe you should repent to God for your lies, rather than fake another apology to myself.

See @dmschultzy this here shows how blinded you are by your hatred of the truth of the Torah.


We follow the Torah, NOT the Talmud. Just because my wife resteemed a post by @hansjurgen about a saying in the Talmud does not mean any of us are practicing anything Talmudic or witchcraft. Does the phrase "according to the struggle, so is the reward" go against anything in the scripture? No, not at all. Posting a saying from the Talmud does mean you are following Judaism any more than posting a saying from the Bible, the Quran, or the Vedas means you are following Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism.

If you stand in a garage does that mean you are a car? You are so filled with hate. Let it go. Stop this immature meme making behavior.

I thought you wanted crypto-currency? Or do your responses to myself seem so absurd when you view them from a distance that you are ashamed of yourself?

Oh don't you worry, Part 4 is coming out.

Oh good, maybe can make another 30 cents! Funny how the last time part 3 came out quickly, but now that you and your dear leader got's not so quick...gotta do dat damage control first right?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  1. Again as previously stated, my only leaders are Yehovah and his son Yeshua.
  2. I was not exposed nor was anyone else exposed for anything. Only a delusional mind would assume that if someone posts a singular quote from a text that that person subscribes to everything in that text.
  3. Not doing any damage control.
  4. I have my reasons for delaying in posting #4.

Yeah, busted for death threats, etc., busted using the Talmud. Leaders busted for supporting it. Said I was wrong for studying it, but says your wife and leaders are RIGHT for doing the same...
Yeah, totally didn't lie at all!

we were both in to CC at the time

What is CC? I've got no clue. Christian Church? But that doesn't go with the

and the like

part of your statement which leads me to think CC is a person but I don't know anyone by CC initials.