Meme of the day. Another Flat Earth Friday.

in meme •  6 years ago 


So I had an interesting encounter on Facebook yesterday that sparked the creation of this meme.

A friend who is a fellow flat earther had posted this picture.


Now let me start off by saying I am by no means saying this is a legitimate valid picture that the sun is in the clouds, this could very easily be doctored or it could be legit. A picture like this though will start a conversation and that is exactly what it did.

The original poster stated in the comments and that he knows her fact the sun is not 93 million miles from the Earth. In response to this a man we will call BG asked for proof of this.

I've then posted scriptures from Genesis that shows the sun moon and stars were placed inside the firmament and then it shows that the birds fly in that same area of the firmament, so I asked BG does that mean we have birds in outer space?

I continued to scroll through the post and I saw that BG had haha'd every Pro biblical Flat Earth comment on that post. So he was basically laughing at all the flat-earthers in a mocking way. I decided to check out Bee Gees profile and low and behold he an "ambassador" with A Rood Awakening Ministries. Immediately I recognized where this guy's attitude was coming from, he was behaving just like Michael Rood-ass himself. To see what I'm talking about check out this short 10-minute video that Rob Skiba put together highlighting the irony of Michael Rood's comments in his show he did with Kent Hovind where they discussed Flat Earth.

BG did not like me referring to Michael as Roodass and instead of actually addressing the topic at hand he decided to comment on my choice of language. I quickly called him out on his double standard as Michael Rood had his own name calling to do in his video that he did with Kent Hovind.

This then sparked the idea for this meme, that there are people who are awake to the truth of Torah, that they have been lied to for years by the church but are not awake to the truth of the flat Earth that they've been lied to for years by NASA and the church and how it's like only having one eye open.

..and then there's the other side of the coin

Did you know that the one eye symbology is representative of the all seeing eye used by the Illuminati?

So then later that evening I found out about a pastor, we will call him Pastor DO, who is vehemently against Torah but is a flat earther and believes in the biblical cosmology of geocentricity. So then I had to go and flip flop the words in the meme that you see above just especially for this gentleman.

I left a few comments on one of Pastor DO's posts about Torah and Paul and the New Covenant. I had some very poignant questions concerning Paul's Authority to supposedly contradict even the words of the Messiah, the laws in the New Covenant and how to determine which house you are in in the New Covenant. As of the writing of this post he has thus far ignored my questions while answering other people's questions on the same post. I may decide to get ballsy (globe pun) and post this meme to elicit a response out of him, but I probably won't because he has shown himself to be the type that deletes the comments of those that disagree with him, while leaving up his responses to those people, so getting my comments deleted would not be beneficial to my end goal.

Well that pretty much sums up this Flat Earth Friday. Stay flat my friends and remember the Torah is the truth.

Psalms 119:142

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The Earth and Space
God-CreationThe earth’s shape is perhaps the most important to deal with first since many critics claim that the Bible portrays the earth as flat. This couldn’t be farther from the truth and in my opinion is one of the most vaporous arguments used by skeptics against the Bible. There is not a single passage that plainly states that the earth is flat1. The groundswell of this criticism gets its roots from the inaccurate but common belief among many that the ancients on up through the middle ages believed that the earth was flat. The truth is, virtually all learned people have known for the last 2500 years that the earth is spherical [please see footnote 2].
Before the learned ancients surmised that the earth was spherical, the divinely inspired Isaiah wrote “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth…(Isaiah 40:22)”. In addition, from the Book of Job we have “He stretches out the north over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing (Job 26:7)”. It should be noted that just last century scientists believed space consisted of a hypothetical substance called Ether (not the chemical), which was the medium between the celestial bodies. Also, the pagans of that time believed in such things as a mythical Atlas character who supported the pillars that held heaven and earth apart, and later carried the earth around on his shoulders. Another interesting tidbit that illuminates the divine nature of Job 26:7 is the recent discovery of a huge hole in space in the direction of the northern hemisphere3.

To me, there are few things more ignorant than thinking the earth is flat.

I'm glad you brought up Isaiah 40: 22 because a circle, it's not a ball. And the prophet Isaiah knew the difference between a circle and a ball in the Hebrew those are two different words, and he use the word for a circle, not a ball. In other parts of the book of Isaiah you will find where he uses the Hebrew word for ball he did not use that in describing the Earth. Now if the Bible is truly the inerrant word of God then it appears there is an error in what the prophet Isaiah said if you believe the Earth is a globe. Who are you going to put more faith in, a prophet of God speaking under the direction of God himself or scientists who believe in evolution and in The Big Bang Theory and do not believe in God and tell you that the Earth is a ball not flat.

By the way @barncat anybody can come on here and copy and paste somebody else's work, why don't you take a little time and think for yourself, do your own research and write your own thoughts.

Here is where Isaiah said "ball":

He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house. Isaiah 22:18

Here is where Isaiah said "circle":

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. Isaiah 40:22

For ball from the Strong's concordance.

H1754 - duwr
H1754 - דּוּר
H1755 ››
‹‹ H1753
Transliteration: duwr
Pronunciation: dure
Part of Speech: masculine noun
Root Word (Etymology): From דּוּר (H1752)
TWOT Reference: 418a
Outline of Biblical Usage:
ball, circle



KJV Translation Count: 3x
The KJV translates Strongs H1754 in the following manner: ball (1x), round about (1x), burn (1x).
Strong's Definitions: דּוּר dûwr, dure; from H1752; a circle, ball or pile:—ball, turn, round about.

From the Strong's for Circle.

H2329 - chuwg
H2329 - חוּג
H2330 ››
‹‹ H2328
Transliteration: chuwg
Pronunciation: khüg
Part of Speech: masculine noun
Root Word (Etymology): From חוּג (H2328)
TWOT Reference: 615a
Outline of Biblical Usage:
circle, circuit, compass

(BDB) vault (of the heavens)

KJV Translation Count: 3x
The KJV translates Strongs H2329 in the following manner: circle (1x), circuit (1x), compass (1x).
Strong's Definitions: חוּג chûwg, khoog; from H2328; a circle:—circle, circuit, compass.

Thank you for properly applying both logic and scripture at the same time.

You're welcome.

person #1:"The earth is a spinning globe."
person #2: "prove it"
person #1: "Science"
person #2: "no, show me some evidence that it's a spinning globe."
person #1: "You're an idiot."


You forgot to insert flattard before idiot.

I'm not disrespecting either position in what I'm about to say but....nailed it.

If the earth is flat, and a boat sets sail on a mission to circumnavigate the planet, wouldn't it fall off the edge of the world provided the Earth was flat ?

That is a very good question @chino-aztv, that was one of the very first questions I had when I started researching Flat Earth.

When it comes to navigating everything is oriented from North. A compass points towards north. If you are traveling due east north will always be on your left if you're traveling Due West North will always be on your right. This works the same whether you're navigating on a flat disc or on a ball. On a ball North is at the top were as on the flat disc it would be at the center. So if North is the center of the disc than the extreme South would be the edges. What is at the extreme South of the Earth?

Now what about other planets ? Are they flat as well ?

That is another great question. If you are a person of faith and believe the Bible to be true let me ask you does God ever mention other planets anywhere in his account of creation?

@dwells ......guess that's why I only see with one eye. 😒