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What the most money a comment can make, I'm new this.. Just signed up today..

the possibilities are endless. Just have to focus on providing content that the masses want to see

No limit really. Just voted yours for $12 :-)

The Force is Strong With this One

Pretty good I see! Cheers!

This is so true its sad. Doesn't matter the size of government, it always wants more.

Maybe Big Gov can join forces with Monsanto and save the day...being the pillars of compassion that they are...

A meme is worth a thousand words.

and the beat goes on...


The truth is becoming less funny until we change it!

got to laugh, to keep from crying


That's good. Thx for sharing.

Big Gov always picking on the little guys! Smh..

This is nice one - all things good and bad begin small

Oh the sadness in the truth...

Small government or large government doesn't matter, if corruptness, lies and murder still embeds it's soul!

Government is an idea, a particular way of organizing reality. Thus it's like a seed.

It contains within it instruction on how to replicate itself and grow larger.

Got to keep that plant pruned and contained, otherwise it will consume the garden.

Great comic. I'm linking to this in my new article about free speech and our fight against globalism.