Meanwhile, In Steem... (MEME)

in meme •  8 years ago 


All you gotta do is chill...


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Thanks, glad you find my meme funny! :)

How about @darthnava condition?

I had updates with my previous posts, and he's slowly steeming now. :)

I thought at first it was a drunk meme you made here. hehe

Haha, I had one drunk pic but I guess it was deleted years ago. Could've been a better meme! LOL!

You even look cute when your asleep! Ha ha! Upvoted and RS'd!

Embarrassing, but yeah I still look adorable! LOL! :D

Very adorable and super-cute as always :D

Awwww that's sweet! 😊

haha funny

Thank you! :)

Remember to set your alarm lol

Oops I forgot! Thank you for reminding me! lol

Nice catch. You owned it. And you got lucky standing straight. I usually go sideways and then the saliva plays nasty things on me... horrible! =D

Lol don't worry, I've had those kinds of moments too! You're not alone! :D