Looks like DH is back at it again with his lies! #2a #gunrights #shallnotbeinfringed #guns #boogaloo

in meme •  4 years ago 

david hogg history.jpg
Make sure to watch and share my video below debunking these claims:

Sources and transcript: https://steemit.com/anarchy/@thepholosopher/the-hidden-history-of-gun-control-in-america

And if you have not already, please stop on by the Red Flag Reality film campaign and see how you can support our efforts in pushing back against the gun-grabbers!


~Pho ^ ^ 🖤💛

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And if you have not already, please stop on by the Red Flag Reality film campaign and see how you can support our efforts in pushing back against the gun-grabbers!

~Pho ^ ^ 🖤💛

He's such a lying bigot.