Steemit Meme - Steem-Meme - Mark Suckerberg vs Mr. RobotsteemCreated with Sketch.

in meme •  8 years ago 

Made This Steemit Meme for an Article I am Going to Post Soon...

Mark SuckerBerg v.s. Mr. Robot

I just think it is ridiculous that so many people still use FaceBook which only benefits Mark Zuckerberg who sells all your data, but they don't use Steemit. Especially when Steemit actually rewards everyone not just the owners of the FaceBook corporation. Why wouldn't everyone who uses Facebook join Steemit? Just doesn't make sense to me. This is why I have been powering up, and making some posts like this one 100% paid in steem power, instead of cashing out, because I truly believe in this type of decentralized alternative platform and I want as much voting power and stake in this platform as possible as this platform grows.

The article I am writing up is to explain in as plain English as possible how to join, why to join, what digital currency is and how to exchange it for my hundreds of facebook friends who haven't joined yet, and the major YouTube channel producers who are friends with me on Facebook. Most people when you say "Bitcoin" get all like, I am not good enough with computers for that. So by explaining it simply to them, I am hoping to recruit hundreds to thousands of people to join steemit with my upcoming article that I am working hard on right now. Lot's of people who I have been talking to in person are interested but want me to write this up for them, so I know many people have written articles like this already, but I will make it easier for my friends if it is me writing it, as they know me and trust my research already. So make sure to follow me so you don't miss it. This meme I made is for that article I am writing, but I wanted to see if the Steemit Community liked it before I used it in the article. So if you like this let me know, if not let me know and I will edit it before using it for the article.

Here is a video I made earlier to promote steemit, it has less views than I was hoping for, but it has brought some major YouTubers to this platform, just view the comment section.

How to End Twitter Shadow Banning and YouTube Censorship - Join Steemit

Peace Everyone! Follow me @TitusFrost

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