Putin is a badass meme megathread [100% SP post]steemCreated with Sketch.

in memes •  8 years ago  (edited)

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He knows how to cut to the chase in bullshit of bureacracy

I remember watching this full video, it was gold

Well, aside from that one dude at the top, I enjoyed this post thoroughly. I dislike Putin for the same reason I dislike all strong-man-type leaders of nation-states, but as far as petty tyrants go, he's pretty awesome. If the US had a President like that, I might actually have re-enlisted in the Army.

Thanks mate - I just respect the guys skill and intelligence mostly, I don't want to be led by anyone but compared to his western "equivalents" I'd bet on him in pretty much any contest hands down lol.

If we had a Street Fighter game with world leaders, Putin would be the M. Bison end boss.

This pleases me.

I thought your meme's were superb and very funny. Steememe on bro! :)

Thought i'd have a go...

Happy Steeming

These are great

Thanks for the comment mate, I see meme posts all the time getting upvotes and never made one till now ... so I made a huge one and get threatened with flags on golos and bad comments here, lol ..

Instead of Wars, we should just make the leaders of the World fight each other!
Guess who Wins? My President can kick your Kings Ass, or MY Prime Minister will whoop your Emperors Ass. Putin kicks all there asses and will serenade you after.

Damn I love these memes haha

i dont think the hammer and sickle suits him

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

First I was like ohh more debt, then I was like ohh even more GDP increase compared to debt! he must earn a bitcoin for every manly thing he does!

OMG Putin cuddling with a cute dog. All is right in the world.

What is your point exactly? If your post is serious, you may have come across naive and a victim of your own state propaganda.

Read this post as it may help:


I will wait for the Russians to judge but I in the meantime I will get on front foot as I suspect that you will at best, be questioned, and more than likely flagged. You have crossed a line that you should never have crossed and with all due respect, you are out of your depth - have you been drinking?

We are all victims of state propaganda (more so in the west) - if your post was designed to be anti-Putin you have proven yourself to be a victim of Western propaganda, just as YOUR state intended.

Putin has well over 80% approval amongst Russians (and no, that it not state-owned propaganda as your mainstream media would want you to believe). You need to do a lot more research and wake up, mate!

USA has a $19 Trillion National Debt - Russia has a $500 Billion National Debt. Russia is an enemy of the west (and your state) because it is resisting the bankers.


George Carlin American Dream.jpg

Read this post: https://steemit.com/life/@steemtruth/education-and-indoctrination-is-there-a-difference

Follow Me for Truth

.. I barely gave an opinion besides "he's a badass" - I don't think you know me at all :P
This is a pro-putin , light-hearted funny meme post ?
I feel you just wanted to post your own link ..

  • I'm well aware how popular he is, why do you think I made a pro-putin post there ?
  • I rarely drink, so no.
  • Where's the line, what part do you have a problem with exactly ?
  • If you'd read my previous post you'd know I'm well aware of the propaganda.
  • You don't know me, don't assume. I've probably done far more research then you.

This is a pro-putin

Your meme's:

  • I am Putin - therefore your argument is invalid
  • In Soviet Russia - the President Assassinates You

Yep, that's very pro-Putin!

In Soviet Russia - the President Assassinates You

I actually respect him, a lot - you need to relax and learn to take a joke. Elsewhere.

I didn't realise that this was a joke post. Maybe that was me, maybe that was you - maybe we can both learn a lesson from this post and that would be a good thing. I am certainly open and in hindsight I jumped the gun. But to balance out the post a couple more positive Putin meme's may have helped.


Really good of you to say this. bravo sir, we all make mistakes.

You need to do a lot more research and wake up, mate!

Your blog posts tell me you need to do more research. Putin would agree.

The Russian Reversal comes from Yakov Smirnoff.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This video is pretty badass too :D

I've actually learned to like Putin a lot more lately, weird how media puts him in a negative light mostly.

I know right, it just shows how controlled the media is..

The "Follow me for Truth" part made it look even more like self-promotion while coming off aggressive at the same time to your content, lol. Good luck with that.

@acidyo - why don't you begin by rebuking the 'meat of my comment' rather than focusing in on a meaningless footnote?

Cause it didn't seem worthy of anyone's time considering it was memes you were directing it at.

Fair enough. I did jump the gun. I'm used to hearing so much anti-Putin propaganda that I assumed that this was one of them.

Yeah kind of a douche move, I've been #downtherabbithole since most of todays "truthers" were sperm. sigh

The national debt is literally on the meme there, you assumed a whole bunch and then edited your comment a lot.
It's late, I'm tired - I really give zero fucks what happens to my account on golos like I said I was only trying for launch day. You should do your own research. Fuck off outta my thread with your condescending spam thanks.

Russians like to laugh too. Or no...they all take Putin and life very, very serious. I havent check out Golos yet. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it ausbit
Does this describe the Golos experience:

Aha I'll post my thoughts in about a week or so :P

in the meantime, watch out for big brother and those big pharma companies out to get ya

Last reply to your repeated edits because I can't be bothered wasting my time with this, something that would be really obvious if you read my name or any of my posts - I'M A FUCKING AUSSIE NOT A YANK.

I know that you're an aussie, that's why I called you mate. Anyway I apologize, sorry mate!

You have crossed a line that you should never have crossed


Putin is awesome and so are these memes

Putin is the best statesman in history. I'm serious.

Now for fun:
In the future, he will protect us from hostile alien invasion, rescue us from the trap of the Singularity, and destroy man's creation which seeks to destroy humanity. All the while he will safely deliver babies in breach position, kill his enemies, and fuck your wife.

That's too perfect. It must be prophecy.