Weekly meme dump!

in memes •  2 years ago 

Ok, it's actually been 3 weeks since I last did this so the title has lost all dependable meaning but still! I found some funnies that are mostly about dogs in the past weeks but before we get to that let me lecture you a bit.

A few years ago I deleted all major social media off of my phone and only keep FB because some businesses that I need to get in touch with refuse to use any other sort of communication. Ever since that fateful day, my life has become more productive, happier, and just all around better. I believe that the big social media companies are a bane on civilization and has lead to the decline in overall mental health. These days when I am stuck in line I look at memes on 9-Gag and very little else. While there is a ton of political propaganda in there as you would expect, everyone is anonymous unless they choose to reveal their identity and therefore, no real life friendships or family contacts get lost over political or social differences. I think this is better. I also get a chance to laugh and I'll admit, most of my knowledge of current events comes from it.

Now on to the memes.


Dogs crack me up even the stupid ones. Thankfully my dog is pretty clever and the few times something has been trapped under the sofa she was either able to get it back or just left it there. She's not a barky doggo.


Then we've got this situation and how troubling it would be. If Nadi was to do this one day and then never speak again I would be ok with it because at least then I would know that she understands what I am saying to her.


I did this a lot when I was a kid, I still do it now even though I am very good at swimming. It seems like everyone does it even thought it is childish. I don't ever want to fully grow up and I will remain a child as long as possible.


This isn't really so much of an issue here in Vietnam because for the most part it is actually cheaper to go out to eat than it is to cook your own food. There was a time though that I was trying to save money and this was always me, I would give into temptation so easily.


I sent this to a group chat that has just me and 2 of my local buddies in it. We're pretty great pals and I sent this it the group chat. They appreciated it. I hope all of you have some good pals like the two guys I am thinking of.


I always encourage people to visit Vietnam and I still believe it is one of the best and most affordable places on the planet. There is a flip side though: This time of year is so oppressively hot that you really can't do anything outdoors. The other day I was outside wearing shorts and a t-shirt at night and was almost immediately drenched in sweat. You have no choice this time of year but to stay inside in the air con, or accept the fact that you are going to be a sweaty mess. The good news is that after this season we get a much cooler one that eventually leads to a very mild winter and that is my favorite time of year here.

That's it for now, I'll leave you with a picture of my dog who has been extra photogenic lately for some reason.


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It's me!😅 🏊‍♂️