Some time ago, it was over a year, I decided to get off of major social media like FB and Insta. I was never on Twitter but I would have left that as well. Over the years I have seen people lose their minds by being overly involved in the social media world to the point where I feel as though they don't really have a life outside of it. Then there are the people that feel as though they are helping the world by arguing with strangers endlessly even though none of the people involved are at all interested in listening to an opposing point of view. It's all just a huge waste of time and I see it negatively affect many people's lives and their overall mental health.
These days I rarely look at the major social media and when I do it is just to see what sort of silly crap people are arguing about these days. When I have some downtime - which is frequently - I tend to look at memes on 9gag. Believe it or not the comment section of 9gag, despite being toxic as hell just like you would expect, is actually a lot more informative than any other social media sites. This is probably because of the fact that it is easy to remain anonymous and no one has a bone to pick with any individual person. They almost certainly do not know them in real life either.
Anyway, let's get on with it. Here are the memes that caught my eye either because they were funny or meaningful in some way to me.
I've recently started running on an empty stomach in the mornings in an effort to try to curb my aging weight gain. I drink a lot of beer and it is starting to show. I need to counteract this and being in reasonable shape is pretty important anyway. It is sometimes really difficult to motivate myself into doing it though even though I almost always find that once I get moving, it is pretty easy to stay that way.
Speaking of partying: I don't really throw down like this anymore but there was a time. Some scary drunken times actually where I did wake up in another city or end up hanging out with people that I have no recollection of meeting, let alone having a decent conversation with. These days I am more of a "home by 9pm" kind of person but there was a time. By the way this meme format is very widely used to showcase differences between men and women. I am sure there are plenty of women that have done the blackout shuffle as well though.
One popular pastime on 9gag is "Americans vs Everyone" and for the most part it is pretty good-natured. As you would expect there are some trolls in there but come on! This is 9gag and if you can't take that sort of abuse you probably should stay out of the comment section. I think the only nationality that is picked on more than Americans are Australians.
This is me, in so many aspects of my life. I have a white board next to me right now as a matter of fact that is filled with things that I definitely would not remember if I hadn't put them there. One of these things is my own phone number. It is common to forget names when you meet people, but I also forget most of my plans that I make, shows I said I would watch, and even what day of the week it is.... Unless it is Thursday because that is bowling day.
Those of you that know me know that I have a special best doggo friend named Nadi that has been the only stable thing in my life for the past 9 years. Just like with most dogs she has some keywords that the answer to the question is always an enthusiastic "YES!" Going for a walk is one of those things and this has been true with every dog that I have ever had. I sometimes envy dogs for being capable of getting so damn excited over such a simple thing. Now I just have to move to a city where walking your dog doesn't risk their (and your) life.
Tweets are normally frowned upon in 9gag but since I don't use Twitter and never will, I actually am kind of happy that people repost them in there. I would never see them otherwise.
On another note myself and a group of friends were talking about how ridiculous war tactics were a couple of hundred years ago. Why did they all line up in the middle of a field in plain view of whoever they were fighting against and never take cover? Why form a bullet sponge line like that? Why announce your presence with the band playing? It is truly amazing that anyone ever won a battle with these tactics.
This is funny to me because I can just imagine that there are tons of people, especially back in my home country that absolutely despise their job. I know that I hated most of my jobs back when I was in the States. I can see myself answering in this capacity with the jobs, especially the corporate ones, when asked a question like this.
It made me think once again that I made the correct choice by getting out of USA and leaving the "keeping up with the Joneses" lifestyle. I am extremely hopeful that I will never have to rejoin that. I think I would rather die.
I'm not a cat-person but i'll be damned if I am not going to think about this word this way for the rest of my life, especially for friends of mine that do have cats.
Ok that's it for this week. If you have any good memes that you've seen recently I'd like it if you shared them back!