Memes I enjoyed this week

in memes •  4 years ago 

Unlike I think most of the world, I have tried my best to completely detach myself from politics in the past month. I knew it was going to get ugly, I knew that people were going to be totally mean to one another on social media and in person and I am sure that this situation has not changed at all but my life changed a lot for the better after leaving Facebook and I have also never had a Twitter account.

I do however have a 9-gag account and spend quite a bit of time looking at that and I'll tell you what, it is probably a lot better for your overall mental health than either of the other two things.

Here are some things that caught my eye this week.


I'll admit that I do have a Tinder account and I have a rather devious tactic on how i use it. I just swipe right on everyone and don't even look at their pictures or the words they write. I also almost never even speak to the people i match with and have met up with almost none of them even if they were hot.

We all know what Tinder is for though, and while there are a few people out there that may find love on it, that is not what its primary purpose is. The image above kind of sums all that up.


The stuff that people look at online is getting stupider as time goes by. The entirety of human knowledge collected over the course of thousands of years is now available without ever using a card catalog (remember those?) or searching for a book using the Dewey decimal system (hope i spelled that right). Instead, 411 thousand people watch videos that are unbelievably stupid and spend hours a day doing so. Imagine how much we could accomplish as individuals and as a people if we just stopped it.


I laughed at this one because my grandmother had this exact same clock in her house and it never occurred to any of to poke fun at it: Probably because grandma was extremely religious and would spike your dinner if you ever said anything about it. Years later we would annually sneak a miniature E.T. into her nativity scene and she never even noticed.


I know I just said that I don't follow politics because I don't feel like getting enraged over something I do not care about and don't feel as though it affects my life in any way. But someone sent me a message telling me that Oregon has made all drug use legal (to a certain degree) and I think this is a good thing. It doesn't mean we can't laugh at it a bit.


9gag is filled with what I would say a lot of really dumb humor that only appeals to people of a certain mindset. It is all mostly photoshopped unlike this one, which is clearly real. I can't believe that NASA has kept this hidden from all of us for so long. That kid is pretty amazing!

There are of course many many more but I don't want to flood a post with so much information that no one actually reads it. I hope some of these made you laugh and perhaps take your mind off of the idiocy that is politics for at least a little while. I encourage all of you that have that "F" button on your smartphone to get rid of it and replace it with this one


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