Late Sunday Musings: So It’s 2018, How Has Your Life Turned Out?

in memories •  6 years ago 

Mrs. Denmarkguy has been keeping me in the loop of ongoing “events” unfolding in connection with her upcoming 35th High School reunion.

Seems the organizing committee is very hot-to-trot to get her to attend as she is — evidently — one of the very few people from her graduating class who “became something.” So they want her to come and address the reunion group. 

She has mixed feelings about it, but since they are offering an "all expenses paid" trip for her, she has decided to go.

Reflecting on Your Life

This year would be my 40th anniversary of graduating high school. However, I really have little to no sense of what that would actually mean, in functional terms. 

Summertime is here!

Not that I have been — or would be — invited to anything!

I know exactly ONE person I went to high school with, and that’s only in a very peripheral (Facebook) sort of way. In truth, I have no idea what any of those people are doing, what became of them, and I have very little interest in finding out. High School represented pretty much one of the deepest darkest pits of my existence.

However, the whole “high school reunion” thing coming to the forefront did make me sit and ponder life, for a bit.

How did my life turn out? Does it look ANYthing like the life I perhaps had in mind, when I was a hopeful 18-year old?

Truths We Face

Truth is, I had little idea “what I wanted my life to become” when I was 18.

Peaceful pond...

I was at boarding school in the UK. In May 1978 I took my last standardized exit exam and two hours later I was on a train bound for London, then Harwich and a ferry to Denmark. I just wanted out of there. It was an escape from hell. The most memorable thing I recall from my last day of school — to wit, I still remember — was this really sweet Scottish girl I shared a train compartment with from Southampton to London Waterloo. 

I spent the summer working odd jobs and hanging out at my auntie’s house in Denmark. By September, I’d formally “left home,” and was living in a cheap apartment in the south of Spain. 

Two years later, I moved to Texas to go to college. In a sense, it was another “escape act,” in this case to get away from the long sticky fingers of my family which had been after me to “do something with my life.” 

Whatever that might mean...

I did go to college — because it shut voices around up — but I still had no real idea of what I wanted to do, or what I wanted my life to become. Or mean.

By Then it was 1985.

I Have Never “Adulted” Well

In essence, I have never been particularly good at being an adult.

That's actually a lie. I have always been quite good at "doing what was necessary," I just never had any particular interest or desire to.

Purple flowers...

If I were invited to a high school reunion — aside from having no interest in going — I wouldn’t have a thing to tell anyone.

Sure, I graduated college, but I never held any kind of job related to that degree. I pretty much never held any kind of job, for that matter.

That's another lie. I have had a few — mostly short term — jobs. I developed an almost 100% track record of the companies I worked for either (a) going bankrupt or (b) my job being outsourced to the Far East. 

I certainly never had a "career."

In some ways, you could argue that I have spent the past 40 years artfully dodging any kind of “formal” work or responsibility. With a few short exceptions, I have been self-employed — in some capacity — most of my life. But not because I wanted to “have a career” or “build a business,” but because I simply needed to come up with a way to make enough money to cover the cost of living.

And so I did.

The "Cost" of a Peaceful Life

The one thing I did succeed at was having a fairly peaceful life. 


Whereas it has been 40-odd years of financial instability and struggle, it has been mostly peaceful. There's an odd symmetry in that, in the sense that when I have been asked what I wanted to "do" with my life, the inner answer I often thought, but seldom spoke, was "be at peace."

I watched people around me "strive" and drive for so-called success; I watched them have ulcers and heart attacks at 35... all for what? I watched people build fortunes... have McMansions and fancy cars and Rolex watches. 

I watched a woman at the height of "success;" happily married, multi-millionaire, two lovely kids... grab one of her husband's guns and scatter her brains all over the bedroom of their house. 

I would go to spiritual and self-development retreats and I realized that all I wanted to do was be the groundskeeper in one of these peaceful venues.

I learned that the world neither kind to — nor interested in — peaceful people.

When I Was 18...

I thought I would get a job of some kind that paid reasonably well... I would live a modest-to-austere life and save every conceivable penny and hopefully end up with enough saved that I could simply "quit the world" and live off the investment income.

Tiny lupines...

Not yachts and trips to Bora Bora... just a chance to vanish; to become a "shadow."

The world definitely does not support someone with such an "ambition."

But you know? Even if it's on food stamps and occasional public assistance, I still have managed to have a pretty peaceful life.

It doesn't look much like what I thought it might... but it has been OK.

And — somehow — that seems to make me better off than a lot of people...

But I'm still not going to any stinkin' High School Reunion!

How About YOU? How has your life turned out? Does it look anything like you imagined or hoped, when you were high school age? Did you do your best? Did it turn out OK? Any regrets? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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Created at 180702 00:16 PDT

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My story is very, very similar to yours @denmarkguy except, apart form the usual adolescent angst, I really enjoyed school.

Like you, though I am not in touch with anyone from those days, nor even from my university days.

I have always had a group of really good friends where ever I've been and whatever I've done but as I've moved on in situation so I've moved on in friendships.

My life has turned out nothing like I expected.

I pretty much had/had done everything I wanted by the time I was thirty and struggled with depression after that, for a couple of decades on and off.

I spent way too much time and money on personal development, never found a career I enjoyed and, like you, have ended up working for myself most of the latter part of my life. Probably not as successfully as you though! 😁

when I have been asked what I wanted to "do" with my life, the inner answer I often thought, but seldom spoke, was "be at peace."

This is so true of me too although I spoke it out loud. Nowadays I think it's probably true of everyone whether they know it or not.

The biggest surprise for me, and one I wasn't expecting or particularly looking for was how much joy having a family has brought and continues to bring to me.

That's one of the things that wasn't on my agenda. I wasn't bothered either way. But it had turned out to be the most important and fulfilling of all the things I've done or been a part of.

I have never short of love from friends or family so I count myself as one of the truly lucky ones in life. With that, anything is manageable. 😊

I'll add to my own that I was always very introverted and so having a lot of friends was never all that important to me; circumstantially my life also turned out that way due to constant long-distance geographical moves when I was a kid.

As for "personal development," that I can definitely relate to! In many ways, I seem to have gone about things "backwards." As I have watched people around me, it seemed like they would build lives and careers, success and a healthy bank account... and then suddenly realize that they needed to find deeper meaning in their lives, and would go "seeking" in their 40's and 50's.

I thought I needed to fully understand the meaning of life and my place in it before I could possibly go forth into the world and be "successful" at anything. But in doing so, I came to the realization that most of the people who had "gone forth and tried to conquer" actually weren't very happy with the outcome.

In my late 30's, I really embraced the idea that I was a Human BE-ing, not a Human DO-ing, or a Human HAVE-ing.

This set off a new sort of struggle, as I came to have a better understanding of how the world (at large) pretty much isn't designed for those who don't want to "produce" and "consume" as a way of life.

Hmmm... I think there's actually a post hiding in here somewhere....!

My life turned out a couple of time (maybe more ^^). At first when I was a young girl and I start the High School in the science fields (here we call it Liceo Scientifico) thinking to become engineer. I stopped it when I became a mom, a very young mom. After some years I finished the High School and so I started my career in the office (I was a project planner /fund raiser and the chief of the office too). I was a career woman, but I had to miss many things in my life. I didn't have a life, just a job that made me busy 12-14 hours at day and every day of the week. When I was 42 I decided to change my life, a more quiet life with more time for my me and my family. It was not simple, but now (after 5 years) I don't have regrets, just happiness and love! Less money doesn't mean less happiness, now I know. ^^ A couple of years ago I met my childhood's friends, for the first time after about 30 years and it was great (more than I thought).

Thanks for sharing that piece of life, Silvia! It is interesting to me how many people struggle for years with what they feel they "should" be, before making a change to become what they want to be.

Mhmm... Yep.. Sounds like my life, especially the part about wanting to be the groundskeeper at the resort

I recognize that everything has its ups and downs, but that sort of thing always seemed so peaceful to me...


awesome picture👌👌

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