Joe Rogan Explains What It Is Like To Be A Man......It Is Hilarious

in men •  6 years ago 

I have been a big fan of Joe Rogan for a long time from his days on Fear Factor to his UFC commentating. I haven't heard a lot of his standup comedy but I have watched a lot of his Joe Rogan Experience videos. This one got served up to me just today and it really cracked me up. There was also another video clip where he was talking to an expert about relationships and how it is very hard to tell how many people are getting married to the wrong people because of perfumes and deodorant. I thought that was a very interesting conversation and also they say that attraction can change if a woman is on birth control or not on birth control. That makes a lot of sense. Divorce rates are around 50% as a national average and states like California are 60%. That is pretty alarming and it is funny because Joe mentioned that in someone else's standup they said,

"It is 50% of people who are the brave ones, what would the divorce rate be if all the cowards who want out would actually go through with the divorce."

That is pretty funny but sad at the same time. It would be great if everyone's marriage would go as planned but it is really hard figuring out why these marriages aren't lasting. My parents probably should have gotten divorced when I was in junior high but they were so financially bound to each other and got to a certain point they mainly just said fuck it and stayed together.

Some Potential Issues

I could see the deodorant / perfume theory being true but that would have been going on for hundreds of years. Perhaps in the past people just felt like they were more stuck in the marriage so it was an unhappy one. I look at my grandpa's generation and it seemed like people stuck together and were really happy and still loved each other for 50 or 60 years.

It is really hard to speculate but between things like sex toys and porn it could really make people need each other less on a sexual level. I also had a conversation with another individual who felt the same way about Bumble and Tinder that people are able to satisfy their need to have a social interaction with the opposite sex without meeting them. Like just talking to someone briefly without meeting could be enough to cure their loneliness. I think this is especially the case for a guy who don't have enough money or time to sort through the gold diggers and it is true for the girls who don't want to go through the process either. It just gives them that little bump to get through to the next day.

Then the other aspect of it is if something isn't going right then it is relatively easy to connect to someone else. You can just be like, "Forget you, SWIPE, SWIPE, SWIPE." It is like the best thing and the worst thing that has ever happened.

I have friends on every side of the fence. The ones who got their girlfriends pregnant and had a shotgun wedding, guys who got their girlfriends pregnant and never got married but are still with them and hate it, guys who got married and hate it, and guys who got married and seem like everything is going good and realize they are lucky in their situation. Oh yeah and I forgot the guys who I know who have no success what so ever with women and then there are the guys who are opposite and are savages out there. Whatever facet the guy's are on they often feel like the grass is always greener on the other side. It is understandable to be honest but what I'm seeing more than anything is that a lot of the stress is occurring because of financial and work place stress. If money was no issues and they were able to travel around and have fun there probably wouldn't be an issue. But when they have to go to work everyday and put up with unrewarding bullshit then it sucks.

When are we going to have our first Blockchain wedding where two people get married after meeting on Steemit?

Any way guys I probably won't get many upvotes from the ladies once they hear Joe describing us as cum factories but that is ok. We will survive to blog another day!

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All the stuff in the women's isles is to make men think they are ready for sex. This includes the perfumes. We call that first hit of hormones lust. But, it is interesting that we could call it false lust, or chemical induced lust. Not a great thing to start a relationship with.

We are not taught how to work in relationships. We are never taught relationship communication, or about the opposite sex. If women knew anything about men THEY WOULD NEVER NAG! (no, really. nagging doesn't work on men. All it does is destroy the relationship. Nagging works on women, and so, women think it should work on men)

We do not understand the thinking of the opposite sex. And women of today go out of their way to not understand men, and demand that men become women. This ends up with much misunderstanding and disharmony in a relationship.

So, to have a happy relationship, you need to find a women who has a natural smell you enjoy. (the nose knows) You also need to be about 2 sexual market place value points higher than her. (higher than she thinks her SMV is) You need to be the most alpha person she has ever slept with. She needs to have a nice personality, and tendency towards happiness from within. And, it is really beneficial if each of you has had training in communication.

That's less than 1 in 6. Or russian roulette has better odds.

This is good stuff. Hahah. You are right the Nagging is super annoying for sure.

The 2 Sexual market place value points higher than her makes a lot of sense but can cause problems for Alpha males because they can become discontent and lust after hotter women.

I agree with the guy having to be the most alpha person she has ever slept with.

It is a tough blance.

When it comes down to it most guys can be locked down fairly easily if the woman doesn't nag, is nice, wants sex, and feeds him. lol

A friend recommended Joe Rogans podcast a few years ago and I was like what does that UFC fear factor dude have To say and why should I care! A few months later I decided to give it a listen and it was game changing! His guests the topics he explores his unapologetic nature it’s been great and I even started following some of his guests content!

I think marriage was important for your survival back in the day and having kids was the ultimate gift of your labor but now we people are able to earn incomes without slaving away at work, people can do more than just be a human producing factory!

The financial constraints and if you Catholic like me the religious and social aspect of marriage and staying in one can really keep an unhealthy relationship going a lot longer than it needs to! People change, it doesn’t binary you always have a choice on how you want to live your life

It is very true. We always have a choice.

I really like Joe's stuff and the guest he has on there. It leads to a lot of thought provoking discussions.

Also one point I wanted to make but missed about marriage is that in modern times we’ve become more self centric everything is about me, what do I get out of the deal, can I benefit from this and marriage isn’t something that works well with that kinda way of thinking! There’s plenty of compromise and sacrifice and give and take involved which I don’t think many people are up for these days! Also women aren’t submissive housewives who have to cater to the man, they got their own thing going now they not going to sit around anymore which was the case a couple of decades ago

Totally, the JRE has led me down the rabbit hole and now I get to enjoy content from Ben Shapiro, Jordon Petterson, Abby Martin, Dr Rhonda Patrick, Brett and Eric Weinstein just to name a few

It is all very good points.

Man you have followed up on a lot of the guest. I was exceptionally impressed with how quick witted Ben Shapiro is. I would hate to debate that guy. He would tie me up with words and make it look like I dropped out of first grade. Hahahah

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I had the exact same bias against Joe Rogan.

What could this UFC bro possibly have to offer?

The thing about Joe Rogan is that he actually has a brain and critical thinking skills. He doesn't subscribe to any political party or ideology. He looks at every issue independently and uses his brain to come up with a conclusion, instead of barfing up a response from a previous opinion. He is the original proof-of-brain.

This day in age that kind of analysis is almost like a super power. Many people have had a bias against Joe Rogan and he went on to impress the naysayers with logic and reason.

Well put my friend what he also does which I like and not many people do is say when his ignorant towards a topic and shows a willingness to learn!

He also created platform for real dialogue and discussion where a free market of ideas can be discussed without being judged but we can explore the idea, the good and the bad of it

I really do know of two stemians who met here and are currently flowing well I think the are gonna walk down the aisle together

That is pretty cool! They should stream the wedding on DLive!