Mental impurities -1

in mental •  8 years ago 

-Most of the people usually know the air pollution .
-They have been ignored their mental pollution.
-They know only to remove the air pollution but they haven't notice yet the mental pollution to purify.
-Most of the people know only to be careful the falsehoods and they ignored their instinct .
-For a long time,the truth almost disappeared for their desires when they assume that the blunder should be,
-They haven't known yet that they are falling down with darkness to their instinct.
-So,it comes out of the misunderstanding in our community .
-In fact,the mental impurities make the assumptions to be foolish,so it shouldn't be.
-But even if our clothes are dirty,we also have to wash it clean.
-So , let purify our impure mild to clean my cousins.
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I will be so happy ,thank you for all

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great, nice post

အကိုေရ ေက်းဇူးအရမ္းတင္တယ္ေနာ္

vote ေပးခဲ႔သီ

Thanks thanks
I will return to you soon

Vote လိုက္ၿပီ

Ok I will be give back to you soon

Done ဘ႐ို

Kk bro
We have to make it each other together for future bro

vote တယ္

Thanks sister
Let do it right together forward