Most of the values in today's society is based on are religious philosophies. No matter how religious you are, what religion do you belong to or if you are an atheist. It is the tradition and the morality, what we consider to be right or wrong. That was left to you as an inheritance.
These philosophies put a high en-thesis on living your life in a certain way in order to maintain the purity of your soul, often requiring sacrificing yourself or certain pleasure in life in order to maintain this purity promising that if you do this sacrifices you will be rewarded more later. In the case of Christianity you go to haven or if you are Buddhist you achieve enlightenment.
This standards are often so high and unrealistically unachievable, that almost nobody practice them. In the area that i live the majority of the people are Christians, but i don't know anybody that truly practices everything you have to do in order to be considered a good Christian. I don't know anybody that turns the other cheek, keeps the fasts, prays often enough or when they don't have any problems, most people go to church only on Easter. Not even the priests respect all this rules some of them are obese and greedy because they have ridiculous fees for their services.
So what happens when you try to control human beings? Two major things one they rebel and do the opposite of what are you trying to coerce them to do just to feel free, and the second thing is that they have no wisdom or guidance on how to extract the most value out of their lives so more likely then not they are going to self sabotage and self destruct.
So if most people are rebelling against Christianity than this means they are doing the opposite of it which means they are satanist. Well not officially but if you look at most people lifestyles they are in accordance with the two most important tenets of satanism. Putting pleasure and the physical body above the spiritual life or you could say living for pleasure, and the second one is self preservation at any cost which means that if getting something involves abusing someone it is OK to do it for as long as you can get away with it.
The problem with rebellion as our natural first instinct to coercion is that the person that is forcing us to do something unbalanced, by resisting it we do the opposite of that unbalance thing which is still unbalance. Like this even if you resisted the abuse you are still an unhappy and sick person because you are unbalance. So then the optimal way to be in order to extract the most value out of your life is somewhere in the middle between suppression and indulgence. Everything that exist has a purpose so then is not about using only certain emotions or behaviors as much as it is about learning how to express everything in a healthy and balanced way.