I believe in hope and light, I believe if you are gifted then you should use your talent's to encourage and inspire others. I believe I am a talented writer. I have loved writing from a very young age. I use it to express myself and to encourage others. Sometimes I write something with meaning and sometimes I just write with feeling. I'll write about anything. Now a days I like to write about my struggles and about hope. I'm almost 30 and I have bpd. I have struggle with mental illness for years. It's a huge surprise that I'm still alive! I believe though that there is hope in the darkness's. I also have a learning disability as well as dyslexia, This however doesn't stop me from writing.
I haven't had a easy life. I'm writing a book about it so perhaps I'll share it here one day. Life isn't easy for anyone.
Having all these labels has made my life more difficult. I was told I would never live a normal life. I have proved everyone who said that wrong. I do not allow any labels to define me. I am just a person.
What's more is I'm also a lesbian and a follower of Jesus Christ. Which makes my life even more harder because hey I'm going to hell right ? Wrong. I believe Jesus loves all of us and he wants to have relationship with each one of us. Jesus didn't come to set certain rules so certain people can go to heaven. He came and died for ALL people so we could have a relationship with him.
That's about me, I'm willing to share, I'll also like to share I love animals and currently working with dogs! I also study part time and hope to study psychology one day. I never give up on my dreams and you shouldn't no matter what!