in mercalli •  7 years ago 

It was windy and the camera gimbal failed 2 mins in... Seeing this as a bad omen for the copter I pulled it home. However I managed to get a nice 2 minute clean pass. So I decided not to edit this one. You can have it as nature intended. READ BELOW... It was shaky footage - I will upload the original to prove it...

Visit Crop Circle Connector for all the BEST QUALITY and latest circle photos. We are 99% of the time first place to hit the Internet with photos, so bookmark the CCC...

Expertly stabilised by the ever wonderful MERCALLI software...
where would I be without it!

Music: Saturn By Galactic Expansion
from Soundcloud

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I love all your crop circle videos! The countryside is so beautiful and I love to see the stalks of grain waving together in the draft from the copter. I am curious why the creator of this one did not have the double lines bisect the circles at a true diameter.

!cheetah ban

Okay, I have banned @cropcircles.