(MSN) Investment Research Report: Building an Efficient Bandwidth Market

in meson •  5 months ago (MSN) has been launched on HIBT on April 29. is a project dedicated to creating an efficient bandwidth market on Web3, aiming to replace the traditional labor-based sales model with a blockchain protocol model. The goal of the project is to consolidate and monetize the idle bandwidth of long-tail users at low cost.’s DePIN nodes are developed with user-friendly technology that can accommodate a variety of hardware such as personal laptops, servers, and IoT devices. By leveraging the idle bandwidth of these nodes, establishes an economic cycle that connects idle resources and business needs, becoming the data transmission foundation for decentralized storage, computing, and the emerging Web3 Dapp ecosystem. MSN is currently open for trading on HIBT.

Token details:
Token code: MSN
Initial supply: 100,000,000 MSN

Token functions:
MSN tokens enable users to access bandwidth and big data services previously only available to large companies like Google and Akamai.
MSN tokens are awarded as rewards to miners who contribute server resources to
Miners staking MSN tokens can increase the efficiency of mining operations.
MSN tokens are used by network participants to participate in governance processes such as voting in elections and making decisions on on-chain proposals.

Token distribution:
Quick Start: 0.80%
Airdrop: 2.20%
Public Offer: 5.00%
Partners: 6.00%
Technical team: 15.00%
Foundation reserve: 20.00%
Ecosystem: 25.00%
Investors: 26.00%

Future outlook:
The vision of is to create the world's largest bandwidth market, allowing users to easily exchange their remaining bandwidth for tokens, and those in need can access global bandwidth within the meson market. Unlike traditional sales models, rejects the top-down approach of existing cloud providers and advocates an open exchange of bandwidth. In the future, hopes to expand its coverage and become the future of decentralized connectivity.

Summarize: (MSN) is a potential project that aims to create an efficient bandwidth market through blockchain technology. Its unique protocol model provides flexibility and scalability and is expected to change the traditional bandwidth sales model. As the project continues to develop, is expected to become an important part of the Web3 ecosystem, providing users and developers with a more open and free network connection experience.

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