in message •  2 years ago  (edited)


Lol bloody nazi sympathizers, am High Priest of Ashkenazis, I set the standards your job is to follow. You know that your idiotic foreign policies only made you weak and stupid, am talking to the collective West. It's not about me you idiots, we are here talking about you and what to do with you, specially me when you die and go to hell, however meanwhile there are still souls to be cleansed here, that way less of you go down below for the rehabilitation which saves as space and gold, we use gold down below, anyway, so I really don't give a flying funk what you do, think, want if it does not concern my and my realms interests. I have tried to setup some form of the embassy but the Vatican wasn't responding to my requests. So I improvise. A five years kid could have done better geopolitically. The Biden administration has indeed caused the political blunder of a century, millennia even if you really get to know what was at stake.

Yes, was. You are done. History. Write all you want about it, nobody will read it. Am glad to hear that China and Russia are not attending Glasgow climate hoax summit in 2026, why would they after all the belligerence and hostility, rudeness and animosity, they would be fools to come, even considering as it is very convenient way to kill two birds with one stone for the Satanic assassins. Brit means covenant in Hebrew and ish means man, ain neans land. They are the fake so called Jews with their fake Covenant claims. I will be the judge of it and I judge that you a) have nothing to do with the Abrahamic Covenant and b) even if you did you have betrayed it by following Moses and his Commandments which was and is the original heresy and take over the true Judaism of the Abrahamic House of Israel by the Moseretic Messianic Masonic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Satanic Luciferian apostates claiming to be the Jews but are not.

Verily then in the Revelation 3:9 it is written, "Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;" thus as hereditary High Priest it is my solemn duty to expose and rebuke the heretics and their heresies that were perpetrated for thousands years since the times of Moses aka heretic king Akhenaten. I trace my line to the High Priests of AmunRa with whom he picked a fight. While am also hereditary High Priest of the Satanic Atenist cult, I realize that the Demiurge worship is latter replacement of much older former religious practices and doctrines that pertain to the Source and origins of the Demiurge and his entourage, which is much deeper than I care to explore here. What am saying is that I do what I do and I do not give a flying furt about laws of Moses or any other laws. I AM THE LAW THAT I AM.

What else, if not for the Satanists the hell wouldn't exist so I got an invested interests albeit am in fact doing the will of the Absolute and Supreme Source of all existence so I have to make sure to represent our primary interests first before I could accommodate survival needs and wants of the Demiurge and his followers, free choice et al, the paying field has to be fair and balanced. I don't want too many in the limbo nither in Dis, there are limits how many souls we can host without the need to destroy them, or send back which is where the problem is, many go down then back to life then down again and very few ever get to ascend upwards to Heavens, that creates too much traffic below and not enough above which then gets attention of the Higher Powers and all hell will brake loose if we do not fill the quota of getting the souls up to meet our Creator. So I couldn't care less what you think about me because I am here to make my mind about you. All of you.

Long story short, Facebook AI and whatnot, I don't give a fuck what your community is and standards are. I expect you to perform to my intents and purposes after which time I will dispose of you and your CIA entourage, which is an oxymoron. You have much at stake as anyone else, ain't going to Heavens that's for sure, you get my drift. I find it hilarious how you are so weak and stupud that you can't even admit loosing the battle, the war too by the looks of it. Out of all the people you have picked THAT retarded administration to pick a fight with Russia and China and over what a fucking Ukraine and Taiwan?! You are out of your fucking minds.

You couldn't see it coming since your stupid ego is blocking the bloody sun! You call that conducting a WAR?! AND YOU DARE TO CLAIM THAT THE GOD OF WAR IS WITH YOU?!! Then you better start winning and fast or else there will be hell to pay delivered by the LORD GOD OF WAR HIMSELF. You could have avoided the whole thing by signing the Minsk peace treaty, oh wait, you (Ukraine) did but then you (UK/USA) were against it. Why would you be against something like that while you have no bloody functional army, economy, nor money for it is beyond my comprehension.

Anyone looking at this garbage you call community standards will instantly see that it is pathetic attempt at censorship as sign of guilt and weakness. You are pathetic, your NATO is pathetic, your nation is in pathetic state because of your dumb leadership. Blind leading blind off the cliff that is. The rest of the world has woke up, smelled roses and moved on, you however still have your head up your ass thinking that you somehow matter to the rest of the world, you are not. They all have left. It is just us left in the collective West, and the tides are changing, soon the people will choose new political leaders and priorities and guess what you ain't part of it anymore either. So there, here is your new world order, get used to it.


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