it's Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground zeroes for the Xbox 360 way too many zeroes in that price although to be honest like I kind of feel that way about video games
in general like $60 for a new game this is effing ridiculous this whole industry's become way too bloated and expensive for its own good it's one of the reasons games can come out to sell a few million copies and still be
considered a failure people lose their jobs sorry but we spent 80 bajillion dollars on this stupid shooter and you only made 40 bajillion so goodbye hey how about spend less cash stop pretending you're Hollywood and make
smaller cheaper more creative games that more people will actually buy and finish how about that crazy idea wait till the future comes yeah you'll see it'll be Call of Halo 18 Gears of modern warfare 490 freaking dollars and during
development nine people will die well ranting aside though I mean come on look I don't care how much you like the Metal Gear game it's 30 bucks for one level this is just outrageous that's what this is this is basically a demo for the next
Metal Gear game it's one level one mission for half what the full game is gonna cost and it's good I mean the game itself it is really good but hey I said this in my original review of this game for the Xbox 360 whether or not it's
worth the money man that's up to you late I suspect we'll all have different opinions on that and I guess no one's technically wrong but from my perspective charging 30 bucks for this that's pretty ridiculous so like I said
you know I've already reviewed ground zeroes on the 360 but the ps3 version came across my desk this week and I decided to revisit it and just as I remembered it's an awesome whatever it is despite the audacity of its price tag
ground zeroes put you in the sneaky boots of the one and only snake now voiced by Kiefer Sutherland to me he'll always be Josiah doc Scurlock but hey that's just me ain't easy having pals I kept you waiting huh so snake arrives at
this prison facility and he's got one mission extracts two prisoners this could take you anywhere from an hour or so to about 20 minutes once you do that it's over you get the final cutscenes which I assume cost a bajillion dollars and that's it you can go back and play
more missions that change things like the objectives and weather but it's always the same place the same one place 29.99 please at least it's not a bajillion I'll tell you what though that the game plays great in fact it's it's
probably the best snake has ever controlled it's tight its responsive it's it's really just a joy to play and of course the core game design is just terrific the prison itself is big and complex so there are a lot of ways you
can approach your mission and I think that freedom is the coolest thing about the game the potential for creativity in terms of how you make your approach and I also like that it's a stealth game that isn't a dick about it you know like
being seen makes things tough it doesn't make things impossible and that makes it a lot more fun the game's presentation heavy as you'd expect it to be you know excellent graphics dramatic music bajillion dollar cutscenes actually ground zeroes cost a bit of
a stir for the graphic nature of its ending but III think it's brilliant I mean let's be honest this disc is nothing more than a $30 commercial something to get people interested in the final product when it comes through
the final clips of ground zeroes I mean there's no question mission accomplished it's it's really hard to offer a verdict on a thing like this because it's not a full game but it's priced way higher than a demo you know it's this weird
middle ground lost somewhere between game and demo and and complete ripoff if you ask me is it good yeah but personally I don't think there's any way
this is worth it admission anyway check out my review of the 360 version for
more you know the best thing about Ground zeroes is what it says about Metal Gear Solid 5 specifically it's gonna be great there you go I just saved you $30