I am a huge fan of Warrel Dane. He is probably my favorite vocalist. He has such unusual technique and tone that it really grew on me and now it is much like a mental addictive virus. I need regular fixes...
It has been awhile since I listened to the Sanctuary album Into The Mirror Black yet that is definitely the album that I first fell in love with his voice. I had heard the earlier album Refuge Denied which is also brilliant but, I think it is Into The Mirror Black when his voice started to be used in interesting and different ways.
I found myself listening to Into The Mirror Black again and I realized that many of you may not have yet have had the pleasure. You may not initially consider it a pleasure, but some of you are the very least will likely find that it grows on you. I know Metal is not for some of you. I know for others that follow me metal is their life's blood. If this post is not your cup of tea that is understandable.
Just imagine trying to sing his parts, or if you're a vocalist give it a shot. That is one of my music appreciation techniques with just about any music, and instrument I listen to. I do play a number of instruments so this visualization technique has often made me realize some "Oh Wow" moments that I may not have recognized if I hadn't been imagining performing that part.
I think if you try that with his vocals... you will totally GET IT.
I will include lyrics, as well as some more commentary. I will begin with a song that I absolutely love Warrel Dane's vocals on.
Sanctuary - Epitaph - from Into the Mirror Black
Now one thing I've thought about the lyrics and the hints in many of the songs as well as the titles is the idea that Warrel and others likely often have a little chemical assistance when coming up with some of these lyrics. On the other hand I do not use ANY chemical assistance when I am in @chaospoet mode and I can come up with some pretty unusual stuff when I am in that zone. So I could be wrong, but it is also some the song titles that seem to hint at it. Similar to the Beatles and some of the ideas around the song Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds I think a similar concept might be drawn from this Sanctuary song Long Since Dark.
Sanctuary - Long Since Dark - From the album Into The Mirror Black
This next song as usual has some pretty deep lyrics and the vocals are some of the best you can find. Let me state that outside of metal I absolutely love Sia's vocals as well. The same thing that attracts me to her is what I am attracted to Warrel's singing style. It is all about the strange vibratos and non-standard delivery of notes and phrases. I find people doing unusual stuff very enjoyable to listen to. I also have a huge respect for it. It is much harder to walk a completely new path of your own than it is to clone some already well known sound. With that said let's listen to Eden Lies Obscured.
Sanctuary - Eden Lies Obscured - From "Into The Mirror Black"
At this point I think it might be a good idea to segue into the song that seems most directly tied to the album title. That song is The Mirror Black though there were hints of this theme within other songs as well. This song is absolutely brilliant. Also keep in mind with how much I like writing about Philosophy consider the phrase "Philosophy cannot soothe your soul, but in the mirror the truth will be known"
Sanctuary - The Mirror Black - from "Into The Mirror Black"
There is another song that has some interesting and amusing aspects to it. This album came out in 1990. That means it was a brand new decade. That made a lot of sense when this song came out. It didn't make a lot of sense to new listeners as time passed. These lyrics could totally be a "I don't get it" type of circumstance. When the song came on the scene it had just left the 1980s and was now in the 1990s. Yeah to some of you I am old. I was there and remember these details as I WAS happily listening to this album then. The name of this song is Future Tense.
Sanctuary - Future Tense - From "Into The Mirror Black"
The last song I am going to cover from this album though there are others is Communion. All of the songs on this album are great. I personally would take a risk and say that I believe anything I've ever heard Warrel Dane involved in is quality music with a lot of skill and unique qualities. I will say these lyrics sang to me. Considering some of the religious themed posts today you likely know me a little better and you'll totally get it. These lyrics felt like I was singing them the first time I heard them. They felt almost like something I would have written. I was about 20 years old at the time and I had already been the target of quite a bit of religious stereotyping and persecution. I was harassed by police, and I was written up in a newspaper as being Satanic when I actually was never asked. At the time I loathed all religion. That included Satanism. I had the highest contempt for the topic and I considered it the root of most of histories problems. I of course changed over time, but I was still very much in that mode when I first hear this song. I no longer HATE religion, and I haven't for a long time. I will say i did become a very heavy scholar of the subject. I collected bibles and holy books of any type I could find. I also had free discussion and friendship with a number of different priests. Primarily of Christian denominations. I still am not a fan of organized religion, or religions based upon revelation or prophecy but that is ONLY for myself. If other people want to follow them I am totally fine with that until they push it upon others or try to pass laws that impact me that are based upon their religion. I wasn't into the entire Ancient Aliens type of phenomena back during that time, but there is clearly an aspect of that in these lyrics as well.
Sanctuary - Communion - from "Into The Mirror Black"
I very much enjoy the works that Warrel Dane has been involved in and just so it doesn't sound like he is the only thing awesome about these pieces it is nothing of the sort. He seems to be another one of those vocalists who has an affinity for linking up with exceptional musicians. Nevermore for example was mostly about him and Jeff Loomis on guitars and Jeff Loomis is exceptional.
In case you missed it, I made a Sia name drop in the post above. Now why would I do that?