Web3ウォレットのMetaMask(メタマスク)と投資アプリのRobinhood(ロビンフッド)が提携し、米国における暗号資産(仮想通貨)市場へのアクセスを容易にする新サービスを開始したそうで、この提携の結果、米国のRobinhoodのユーザーはMetaMaskウォレットを通じて、Robinhood Connectを利用して仮想通貨を購入できるようになった。このサービスは特に資産を自己保管したいユーザーのニーズを満たし、分散型アプリ(dApps)等での資産運用をより迅速かつ容易にするそうなのですが、これは便利だと思うし羨ましいですね。
MetaMask, a Web3 wallet, and Robinhood, an investment app, have partnered to launch a new service that facilitates access to the crypto asset (virtual currency) market in the United States, and as a result of this partnership, Robinhood users in the United States can Robinhood Connect through their MetaMask wallet to purchase virtual currency. This service is said to specifically meet the needs of users who want to self-storage their assets and make it faster and easier to manage their assets through decentralized apps (dApps) and other means, which I find useful and enviable.