Metaphors Similes Analogies, etc

in metaphors •  7 years ago  (edited)

Metaphors Similes Analogies, etc

A few posts ago, I posted, "All stories are true, some actually happen." The same applies to how we use metaphors, similes, analogies, etc. They are used to tell stories and convey a point even though sometimes they are incorrect.

Take for example, "You need to face reality head-on, don't be like an ostrich and bury your head in the sand." This sentiment shows up in more literature than you can shake a stick at. Well, the reality is, ostriches do not bury their heads in the ground. However, they do dig holes to find food, gravel, and to lay their eggs.

Another common saying is a bamboo tree in its first 3-5 years sho little of no growth on the surface, but in the 3 -5 years they explode and grow as much as 3 feet a day. Well, the bamboo is part of the grass family and it does grow above ground in the first 3-5 years. The above foliage is needed for photosynthesis.

Please post metaphors similes analogies, etc you have heard and know to be incorrect.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the thoughts and ideas expressed, he hopes they provide a broader foundation for discussion. Dr. Beekie received his bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Organizational Communication from Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, master's degree in Intercultural Communication from North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, and doctorate in Organization Development from the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN.

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