The Metaphysics of Karma - How to Make a Quantum Leap

in metaphysics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why Karma?

Karma means choice

Karma means change

Karma means movement

Is this life a static image, or a breathing organism?

the machines we create breathe just like us; albeit in a more synthetic way, what does this tell us about our state of consciousness?

The Heads Up Display ;)

Life is essentially a collection of opportunities and decisions, it's a continual flow of experience that we navigate. Navigating this experience through intention and exploration we venture through the portal of life. I am not being metaphorical here, I am saying that each experience we go through offers choices for the realities it will create. It's a continual happening.

If if tell you to go f*ck off (cursing you) I will jump into a new world, if I tell you that you are a beautiful being that will find your truth (a blessing) I jump into another world. If I tell myself that this is the way it is, and nothing will ever change, then I will jump through a portal where that dialogue runs the show. Like flies that walk through a funnel, we lack the piercing insight to simply fly away from the jars of our current perspectives.

The fly is the symbol of death, death is the symbol of change. When the flies buzz we know something has died, and it indicates a choice to bury (or preferably burn) the body - or to hold the corpse up like a puppet in a sick pantomime that lasts for the rest of our lives.

What is dead in your life? How can we either release it or give it life again?

We know not who we are or what we are, we do know that this is our experience though. Our fundamental super power is in paying attention to what seems to be happening, the rest is a fractalisation and complication of that basic happening. The rest is a story that occurs for us to look at. As the perceiver of life, we can harness our basic ability to simply see and to simply be.


The Mystery of Life

We know we exist, by our very existence we know it. Most beings seem to have a concern with how this whole experience is going to pan out for the various actors who live inside it. Those who are not concerned either lack the intensity to be involved, fear the possibility of unwanted outcomes, or have transcended beyond the constraints of the game.

It's incredibly important to understand that there is nothing bad or wrong about any situation or experience. It's when we hold to these things and believe them to have truth that they can hurt us. Fundamentally the being is completely impervious to all states and changes. By identifying as a solid state, we solidify the being (our essential nature), thus making it possible to harm that being. Such is the power of our manifesting ability, that we can turn tenuous things into real representations and experiences. We create the story, we create our own possibilities and cast our own spells. Within the dream of perception we need to understand that we are the creator if we ever want to change the story line of the people in the dream.

So truly nothing is wrong, that is a human based system of morality. Things can be in various degrees of alignment with the truth, yet they can never be wrong. Right and wrong is a dualistic perception which will always divide our experience of life and keep us separated in some way. Dualism seeks to be complete by conquering it's self created other, yet it can never really unify with that separated part. It's a paradox, to identify yourself as seperate and then then try to coerce your other disowned half. A brief overview of recent history will help us to conclude that this was the major theme for the simians who have been running the game. We forgot our beingness and got with the program, it's not right or wrong - but it definitely isn't our preferred outcome. Where would we rather be?


Karma Imprints

Every moment and every decision leaves an imprint, every experience leaves an imprint. Our body is made of solidified energy which is the most sensitive and sophisticated organism in the universe. It's no surprise to find that it responds to literally every thing that occurs to it and within it.

If I can pick dualism up again as a tool (because paradoxically nothing is either right or wrong), we can see two main trends for the karmic imprinting of a beings existence.

These two trends are 'gunking up' and 'getting clean'

You probably already have some sense of what I am talking about, but let me elaborate. That feeling inside that lets you know what might be a good idea or not, is more a less a gauge of how to clean or dirty our energetic system. Your whole job in this life is to become perceptive enough to figure out what cleans you up and what makes you dirty. If we have more experiences and decisions that are integrated and expansive then we start to 'get clear' about things. Conversely if we have more experiences that feel 'wrong' or go against our intuitive nature then we get more and more gunked up. This is a simplification, so you need to take the gist and apply it to your own infinitely diverse reality or realities.

When speed the of clearing exceeds the rate of gunk accumulation then the being becomes squeaky clean. Symptoms of being clean can include feeling amazing, and people commenting on how shiny you look. It can also be characterized by things feeling very easy, like no big deal, and generally enjoying whatever happens.

Because everything in nature tends toward eqilibrium, we can see that individual humans tend toward a kind of balance. Karmic balance means that we find ways to keep our karmic cleansing and gunking at the same rate. This is stasis, going nowhere. It's perfectly fine to inhabit this place, yet it all depends on what place you are at - and whether or not you would rather be there or somewhere else. If I have cleared the fifth dimension (a fancy way to say I am no longer bound by the fearfulness of time = money), then I might take some time to chill out and rest. Yet anytime I want I can work on my karma and continue to tilt the system into favour of and even more expansive reality.

If we never put reality to the test, we will never know the truth of our life

Destiny, Fate, and The Avatar State

We tend to 'accept our fate', and take things at face value in a very literal way. Not many people view each experience as their individual dialogue with the super computer of life. "This is just the way it is" is the dialogue that most societal scripts are modelled on. Religion and also much of spirituality focuses on being OK with things as well. This is a very useful state of mind, yet if we are experiencing real distress we cannot discount this legitimate bio-energetic feedback. To be in a state of self denial goes directing against accepting life for what it is. Another paradox.

There is a big difference between acceptance and repression. Repression merely denies the conversation with life, and the potential to jump into new realities. Acceptance is actually very powerful and it includes things like 'accepting responsibility for making my life better' and 'accepting the pains that I have accrued in life' or even 'accepting that no other being can or will navigate my life to a better place'.

If we dive really deep down to the molten core then we can see that this is the essential truth. If you really want to alter your karma then you need to light your own fire, own your dissatisfaction, and then put it to work instead of channeling it into complaint and avoidance. All energies can be used, at the start we use base core fuel, and when we get that going we gain access to more refined energies which create entirely different outcomes. You wouldn't be where you are at if you could not use the tools available to you - so pay attention and do what you can. Your call and response with life starts now.


The Power of Positivity

This is a cool idea, yet a lot of beings kid themselves by running a 'happiness script' and never really address the fundamental karmic issues. There is a big trend in modern spirituality (read pop spirituality), that's it's just a matter of generally saying and thinking positive things. Hence the Facebook culture of starscapes and/or models doing acro yoga overlaid with motivational text. It is true that our thoughts affect what we manifest, but thoughts and emotions are just an expression of the essential 'energy' that we store in our body as a bio energetic system. If the system is not adjusted and perfected (or at least put into a growth state), then we will never transcend just via positive thoughts.

It's actually far more helpful for your interdimensional growth to think of yourself as an organism or a machine, than it is to think of yourself as a person. This way we won't waste all of our time talking about what we like and dislike, and playing to all of our tendencies like they were real things. The person construct is an immense waste of time, because it diverts most of its energy output into it's various stories about why things happen and who they are (as a person). So we can see that if we think of ourselves as an engine, we stop being so sentimental and we actually do what it takes to clean it out and give it the right fuel.

Fueling the Engine of Karmic Purification

The energy body is a super computer which conducts ineffable amounts of energy and information. When we realise this as being true, then we can see that whatever we consume is a fuel for the system and has an effect on the outcome produced. Context is very important, diet is very important, what we watch on youtube is very important. Who we hang out with is very important. It's all very important and it all affects this incredibly subtle and sensitive machine. It's unfortunte that most modern lifestyles have the tendency of numbing the being and our natural quantum sensitivities. In a numb state it's quite impossible to know what is hampering the machines performance and preventing you from entering hyper drive.

It's more or less karmic material clinging to the subtle and gross body which keeps us in a dreary state of consciousness. Which is another way of saying that your warp drive isn't working and you got stuck in a shitty reality. A dreary state of consciosness can be defind as bored, irritable, helpless and disempowered. It's not your fault, it happens to everyone - it is however up to you to get back online and jump through the next available black hole.

It's up to you to realise your potential, it's up to you to dream of a better day. It's up to you to believe it and have the fortitude to manifest it. No other being can do it, because there is no other being. There is only you - the almighty being, caught in a captivating day dream and spellbound by the need to be consistent.


Stepping Stones

As we jump through the portal again and again, we gradually 'get the hang of it'. Our intuitive address book gets loaded up with the favorable realities, and we pursue these exclusively. The current step is the most important, so we make the changes that we can and then see what happens. Jumping to a more expansive reality creates even more opportunities for 'jumping', with even better possibilities. If this process is really allowed to happen then an exponential can start to manifest. We accelerate into the unknown, with the growing realization that we wont know who we are or what is even real anymore. This is the ideal state, no limiting assumptions impede our movement and we become full of wonder and gratitude - two of the cleanest burning fuels that this machine could implement.

Speak your truth

Own your life

And trust that this existence is inviting you expand into unimaginable freedom.

I can only attest to my own experience. And my experience tells me that this is as close to the truth as I can currently iterate on a screen of words using the English language.

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SO much truth in this post Phil. I read this great line from the Tao Te Ching this weekend that reminds me of what you were saying about cleaning out the gunk. "We are not doing anything, we are being done."
To raise our conciousness is the only real thing there is to do and I love that the more you do that the happier and more joyful you become.
I choose the portal of appreciation, super grateful that Steem brought us together my friend. Keep up the good work

Thanks for stopping by Larry, I am glad to have met you. Let's keep jumping through! :)