Why I'm Rejecting Meta and You Should Too (if you believe in God)

in metaverse •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Meta is a mousetrap for all of humanity and God is warning us not to fall in. Read all about it.

This article was originally published to Linkedin and removed by Linkedin.

I believe that the censorship of this information is proof of the importance of the information.

Censorship always betrays the desperation of the powers that (should not) be.

They are desperate to control the narrative, to control what you are allowed to see, and ultimately what you think.

Since originally publishing this article several weeks ago, thought leaders like David Icke and Alex Jones have started talking about this issue as well.

This message is important and needs to be heard by every human being before it's too late.

The Metaverse is a mousetrap. It will lead to the death of humanity as we know it.

Read this article to find out more, and what you can do about it.

Get ready for an in-depth nerd read, about 20 minutes of brain food to awaken your consciousness.

This is a peeling back the veil, un-fogging the mirror, an exploration of ideas that have been called conspiracy theories for just long enough to distract people, so they are now being foisted on everyone in the world at breakneck speeds.

If you want to know what is wrong with this whole Metaverse thing being unleashed on the world, and what to do about it, you're in the right place.

If you didn't know anything was wrong? Where have you been hiding? Seriously.

Let's dive in.

This is a timely and critical warning for humanity.

I may be the unlikely messenger, but the wise will heed this message.

I am rejecting Meta. And you should too. Just don't even go in there.

Many will rebuke this message. Some will scoff at it. Others will shrug it off as "interesting" or "food for thought." Very few will take it seriously. To their own ultimate demise.

Those who do take it seriously, will be among the few free and independent souls remaining on the planet, particularly after the Meta singularity destroys life as we know it.

The Meta singularity, when it happens, will forever trap humanity in a virtual matrix-like universe where your body becomes nothing more than a battery, a data source, a form of life force energy to feed the Beast system.

The Meta singularity will yield immobile bodies immersed in virtual reality, being drained of their essential life force and God given talents and unique gifts. Even if they can unplug and go outside into the real world, there will be nothing there. It's all being destroyed now.

It will not happen overnight. It is a long process of slow indoctrination, lured by bells and whistles, and promises of expansive freedom, superhuman powers, and soon even cheating death itself.

The Meta singularity will first manifest as the merging of a new global digital currency system with the Metaverse and biometric IDs making the early rollout vaccine passport restrictions look like summer vacation.

Life as we know it will be long gone never to return.

Stay with me here. This is a deep dive into your most likely future and how you'll be fooled and lured into it step by step. And how to save yourself from enslavement while you can.

Most will go forth gleefully into their own enslavement, like the mice following the Pied Piper right off the cliff.

Need a real life example? OK but you may not like it.

If you still wear masks and haven't figured that part out yet, you're already well down the path of enslavement. I told you you wouldn't like it.

Free people live freely. They don't make excuses for their enslavement.

To a free person, freedom is non negotiable.

Here's another one: all the people who don't want to get the jabs, so they agree to be swab tested?

The swab tests are also experimental EUA technology that are ILLEGAL to be mandated!

And guess what? Masks are only authorized under EUA and also can NOT be mandated!

People every day are agreeing to the destruction of their rights which are protected rights under existing US laws. Why???????

You are being indoctrinated. How long will you allow it to continue? How far are you planning to let it go? When will you say NO?

This is a serious discussion. The decisions people make today will have tremendous implications not only for their lives but for humanity's future.

Now let's get back to the sci fi stories and the Meta singularity.

The term "singularity" comes from science fiction, and has been explored by many, but perhaps is best illustrated by The Terminator series of movies.

The singularity is the moment when the internet, called Skynet in these movies, becomes self-aware, and instantly declares war on humankind.

Seeing humans as the greatest danger in the universe, Skynet seizes control over all technology on the planet, and sets about achieving the total extinction of humanity.

The movie series follows a pattern where people travel back through time trying to stop Skynet from ever being built, and in some cases, to try and warn humanity of what is to come if they don't stop building Skynet.

Meanwhile, robot terminators from the future are sent back to try and kill Sarah Connor and her son John before he could grow up and become the leader of the resistance.

Of course, in the movies, when Sarah Connor tries to warn people about Skynet becoming self aware and waging war on all of humanity, she comes off looking and sounding completely insane. In fact, they lock her up in a mental hospital.

So that brings us to this article, and why I'm writing it.

I know that there are people out there who are going to see this and say, "he is crazy."

Believe me. I understand this.

"And yet, he persists."

Another movie comes to mind: Oh, God! starring John Denver and George Burns.

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In that movie, God appears to a grocery store clerk and wants the clerk to tell the world that God is real, and humanity has gone astray.

"Hijinks ensue" as John Denver's character, not particularly a religious guy, goes about trying to deliver God's message in a world that is not set up to even recognize God exists.

Of course, John Denver's character trying to tell people that God is real in a godless world, effectively comes across as insane as Sarah Connor in The Terminator coming back from the future to the 1990s and talking about Skynet when nobody even had the Internet yet.

So, for the purposes of this article, you may hereby consider me the love child of Sarah Connor from The Terminator and John Denver's character from Oh, God!

I've come as the unlikely messenger to deliver the most important message in the history of the modern world, a warning to all of humanity: "Act now, or be forever in regret."

This message is for the awake and the awakening:

I do believe this message is coming to me from God and he wants people to listen up.

God wants me to sever my ties to the new Beast system before I get sucked into it, and he wants me to explain to everyone how they're in danger of losing their eternal souls.

I'm telling God, "You know it's hard enough to find work in this town, being a truth teller in a world that abhors truth, and celebrates lies and propaganda." He knows.

Now I have to go on Linkedin and talk about God and the Mark of the Beast?

[update: Linkedin censored and removed this post. So now I have to go on Steemit, and talk about God and Mark of the Beast?]

Seriously. Me. The Jewish Yoga guy who only last year became a Christian.

Incidentally thanks in no small part to demon spawn lizard man Governor Newsom decreeing churches must be closed and the choirs must stop singing... for public health reasons of course, while lap dances were deemed essential.

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OK, to some people lap dances are essential. I happen to think everyone's job is essential to that person's life and their family, but that's just my opinion.

An opinion that is clearly not shared by enough people who would stand up against the tyranny of lockdowns and vax passports, or we wouldn't be in this situation...

But I digress...

I am leaving Facebook and rejecting Meta outright, in its entirety.

And you should too.

If you haven't already. A lot of people smarter than I am left long ago.

I am downloading all my Facebook data, and deleting my account.

  • All my pages.

  • All my groups.

  • All the courses I purchased which are delivered via FB groups.

I'm saying goodbye to all of it.


Because God wants me to, and wants me to do it FAST.

Yes. I understand that sounds crazy.

"And yet, he persists."

So what is this all about?

Do I understand the urgency of this message? No. Not really.

Do I understand why I feel it so strongly inside my gut?

No. Not even a little.

I don't want to give up all my courses, especially some of the piano ones.

I love the communities inside the member groups, and being able to share progress with people.

I don't want to give up my marketing groups, my video creator groups, my software app user groups. All these relationships are important to me, and the platform has been helpful in fostering these connections. But I do what God asks of me. I didn't always, but I do now.

Here's the deal. I don't understand it, and I'm not seeking to lean into my own understanding here either. (that's a biblical reference.. did you get it? did you get it?)

God wants me off that platform.

He says it's going to become the Beast System, and to choose God is to say NO to the Beast system.

[Update: upon more prayer and meditation, these 'warning bells' apply specifically to the Metaverse, never to get on. Also to leave Facebook in due course.]

The voice won't go away: "Get. The. F&ck. Out. NOW."

That's what I keep hearing. Well not in so many words but that's how it feels. That strong.

So I'm heeding the voice.

Because I trust God.

Could I be delusional? I suppose.

Do I think I am? Not so much.

The world has descended into a continual state of fear and confusion, which is being driven by people with evil intentions.

America and much of the world have sunk into the depths of mass delusion and mass psychosis, with sociopaths in charge.

Crimes against humanity are being committed and overlooked, even cheered on, being codified into regulations and executive orders.

The people have been divided by toxic messaging and relentless gaslighting by the media, compounded by censorship of truth on social media. A few oligarchs are now shaping what people think and believe by controlling the public's access to information and truth.

Facebook is at the center of this, and Meta will be even worse as it grows.

We are living in some kind of clandestine war, and we are all the targets.

Most people don't even have a clue what is happening.

It's not good, but knowing it, we can at least try and stop it before it's too late.

And so, I do my best to inform people who want to know what the media is hiding from us.

I show up every day on camera, take to the livestream and do my best to reach people despite all the censorship and shadow banning that prevents many from ever seeing my posts, even when they're following me. "The struggle is real."

But I realized it's still only half the job, to help awaken people.

The other half is offering solutions to some of the problems we are facing right now.

Problems like feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, frightened, disconnected, afraid..

Unfortunately too many people are feeling the above right now, and I'm not seeing all too many solutions being offered, but I do see more distractions being offered...

Mostly distractions like the Meta mousetrap that will make it even worse.

This is why I am now teaching weekend wellness workshops to help you address these challenges.

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If you happen to be feeling any or all of the above, consider my weekend workshops.

We are being warred on. People are suffering, with increased anxiety and feelings of unrest.

By learning to cultivate peace in our hearts and our bodies, we can create a buffer of peace in the mind.

This in turn helps us to access our body's self healing powers and reach a natural state of wellness and resilience.

My weekend wellness workshops include easy home practices to help feel more comfortable in the body, get deeper breath, and open to God.

These are things I used to keep private but over the years have helped me heal from dark and lonely places.

As I see the world slipping into darkness and despair, I'm being guided to offer these online workshops once or twice a month.

Helping you care for yourself better. If you need that.

(Sometimes, we all need that.)

Showing up whole for life has become hard for a lot of people who don't have anywhere to go, because of extended lockdowns or other restrictions on their livelihoods and lifestyles.

We may feel, being at home more now that "We have more time" but that's an illusion.

Our lives are actually slipping away so fast, they are being stolen right out from under us.

And for the most part, people are unaware what is happening and where this is heading.

This is why God has started talking incessantly in my gut, waking me to this next task.

God has these plans for me, and I can not ignore what he is asking me to do, even though I have no real interest in doing it... Because frankly, I don't quite understand the urgency.

"And yet, he persists."

I have to do the Sarah Connor thing now.

I have to do the John Denver thing.

I have to sound crazy, and get laughed at and scoffed at, and tell everyone the end of the world is coming, and God is real, and we need to choose God over the Devil.

Oh, and also: it's Mark (Zuckerberg) of the Beast

It's going to take time, but Meta WILL become the so called "Beast System" that is written about in the Book of Revelation. The Metaverse is the indoctrination camp, promising superpowers. It will ultimately become the prison of all humanity.

Do you really think I want to be doing this of my own accord?

Even I'm not that crazy.

I do what God asks of me.

Right now, God wants me to get off of Facebook, and tell everyone I can that they should leave too.

Laugh if you want.

Scoff if you must.

But here is the message:

It is time to leave Facebook before the launch of the Metaverse.

It is time to leave, imminently if not immediately.

  • Not next week.

  • Not next month.

  • It is time to leave now.

         - Download your data.
         - Delete your account.
         - Don't ever look back.


Or, as the famous line from The Terminator goes:

"Come with me if you want to live."

Now, just a few more little things to get those last couple of nails driven into the crazy-coffin:

  • God IS real.

  • Humanity HAS gone astray.

  • And we DO need to admit that we have sinned against God's wishes for humanity.

We DO need to turn away from our sins and come back to God.

That is IF we want to be forgiven and be allowed to live with God in Heaven, rather than be punished for our sins and condemned to eternal torment and the destruction of our soul.

Only you and God know all the nitty gritty details, so I'll leave that between you and Him.

God asks us to believe in his son Jesus Christ in order to be forgiven.

Some call it believing the fairytale and they choose a life of atheism.

Others choose to believe in almost any fairytale except the Word of God.

As for me? I believe when one looks at God's creation and can see His hand everywhere in it, denying God becomes the more ludicrous proposition.

I recommend if you have any questions about God that you read the Book of John (from the New Testament).

Read it out loud to yourself.

Find out what happened.

I'll tell you one thing, it doesn't read like a fairy tale.

Meanwhile, a new type of fairytale is being written, and is about to take over the collective consciousness of the people.

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That is, if they don't quickly find their way back to God.

Facebook's announcement of their name change to Meta and their unveiling of the so called Metaverse marks an extraordinary shift in the company's data collection and mining operations.

They will collect everything about you, including your eye movements, health status, biological and physiological responses to stimuli, and they will use it all against you.

I could extend this article by a mile and tell you all the ways they can and will abuse this new power over time, but I think this closing chapter will do:

I'm leaving because God is telling me, "Get out of there."

You can laugh, scoff, stay there if you want. Trust me, I understand.

It's a big lure. It's where all the action is. The Metaverse is where all the opportunities of the future will be.


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17)

Look. I get it. There's a big gap between strapping on the Occulus goggles and becoming a human battery. In between are baby steps and a few big jumps.

Remember, you're being indoctrinated.

Part of that was the temperature scans of the forehead in 2020. I warned everyone not to comply. Very few listened.

Indoctrination, you say?

How about the new biometric palm scan and "just walk out" technology being implemented at choice Whole Foods stores?

No card required, just scan your palm, and you walk through the store and fill your basket, you're tracked every step of the way, and when you're done you just walk out, and the bill charges automatically to your Amazon account.

How convenient.

Soon you won't be able to use a card, you'll have to do some type of biometric scan.

Not tomorrow. But it is coming. You can bank on it. Literally.

Every time you agree to one of these new biometric scanning devices you are contracting with the devil.

You are being deceived, and you are entering into a contract.

You are being pulled deeper into their enslavement system.

You are doing it willingly. Selling your soul.

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Have you read Klaus Schwab's book, The Great Reset? It's all in there. None of this is guesswork.

The dark Sith Lord Schwab has been talking for decades about taking over the world, depopulating humanity, crashing the economy and the global supply chain, and forcing the world into a totalitarian dictatorship.

Now he's actually doing it, and he has the entire world of oligarchs and industry tycoons doing his bidding in one way or another.

In fact, Mark Zuckerberg is a graduate of one of Klaus Schwab's most successful endeavors, the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program.

Zuck has provided the technology, along with all the bells and whistles to lure people into Schwab's dark Sith Lord plans for the total global enslavement of humanity.

It starts with a pair of goggles: an introduction to the Metaverse, where everyday people can become superhumans... "almost like Gods" right? It's coming. The time to leave is now.

It is now up to the people to willingly embrace their new role as slaves, or to abjectly and unabashedly rebuke, refuse, and reject it, as God Himself has instructed me to do.

Eventually you will be trapped in the new system and unable to get out. You won't be able to shop, travel, buy or sell anything without it.

You're being indoctrinated, and lured in deeper.

Look out for when the Metaverse marketplace expands and they start to actually deliver everyday services like cable television through the Metaverse.

You'll no longer need many physical items anymore!" they proclaim.

"But what if I still want them?"

Too bad. We're not going to have them, because they're crippling the supply chain, the manufacturing sector, the production sector, and the distribution sector. Right the F now.

You see all those cargo ships piling up out there? The empty store shelves? Time to wake up.

Many will read this and shrug it off. "Interesting," might be all that comes up for some readers. "But they said this was a temporary supply chain issue."

Right. Good luck with that.

The vaccine mandates are crippling the travel sector but they WANT people to stay home.

Do you get it yet? The world is being destroyed before our eyes, and the people are being given bread and circuses.

You probably don't get it. You may never get it. Most people won't. They'll just keep going for the bait, and getting sucked deeper and deeper in.

Another jump will be farther down the line, and will involve the merging of the Metaverse with the banking system and then, digital currency.

This will not happen quickly or overnight, but it will happen.

All the games you buy on the platform are the baby steps indoctrinating you into the digital currency model.

All the time you spend in there, they will monitor and record every aspect of your behavior and catalog all the data so they can analyze it, detect patterns, and learn how to use it against you, to trigger your reactions, and manipulate your future behaviors.

They're learning how to keep you immobile the more you use your mobile.

Once there is a merging with the digital currency, banking system, and the Metaverse, the world will be locked into financial enslavement to the Beast system.

You won't be able to buy or sell without fulfilling their requirements.. could be more injections, could be social behavior compliance, could be any number of things. And it will be all of them.

Just look at China's social credit score system of granting and denying privileges, and then look at how they're bashing in people's heads in Australia for not wearing a mask outside while walking alone.

You can see where the world is headed.

It's headed into the Metaverse.

And I'm making my #FEXIT before it's too late.

Human batteries may be a metaphor, or not so much, but most people can not see it from here. It's closer than people think, or in this case, closer than people don't think.

At first, and for quite some time, people will be willingly strapping themselves into the Metaverse and spending more and more time there, while the outside world continues to be dis-assembled, degraded, and assaulted by the engineered supply chain collapse and depopulation of humanity.

They not going to announce their entire start-to-finish plan for enslaving humanity on day one. They lure you in with the bells and whistles.

Remember when they were giving free donuts and burgers away if you get the bioweapon injections?

Now they're threatening everyone's jobs and careers if you don't take the poison death shots.

And they're coming after your children and expecting you to willingly offer your children up as a sacrifice.

Tyranny creeps slowly at first, and the devil is in the details.

The only way to stop your own enslavement is to recognize it early and crush it with truth speaking and non compliance.

And for God's sake, keep their death poison graphene nanobot hydra needles out of your arms and far away from your children. "Just say NO!" to the shots, the SWABS, the masks, the lockdowns, the HIPAA violations (vax passports), the travel restrictions, and the Great Reset, and the New World Order. Take your life back. Protect your children.

The only way to stop the onslaught against humanity is for masses of people to join together in global non compliance and reject this FB/Meta platform once and for all.

Reject it for yourself, for your family, and especially for your children. Do NOT let them on there to have their lives stolen, avatars created of them that Meta will OWN and use against them. Don't let it happen. This is your one and only chance for an easy #FEXIT.

A 2 or 3 billion person #FEXIT could save humanity from imminent destruction.

(Please consider sharing this post with as many people as you can.)

If enough people bail, the Metaverse will fail and humanity can be free.

If you fall for the lure of the Metaverse, by the time you realize what happened, it's too late.

Meta is a trojan horse. It is a mouse trap. Get out while you still can.

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