RE: The #MeToo Elephant in the Room: Sex

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The #MeToo Elephant in the Room: Sex

in metoo •  7 years ago 

Hello. If you post something on your medium page showing that you are you, then we can ignore cheetah

More importantly, i recognize your pain and i agree that hyper-masculinity and the current manifestation of pretty-much-still-patriarchy is harmful to everyone. I really am having trouble that women talking about how often sexual discrimination, oppressive micro-aggressions, and sexual assault takes away from your pain. If you are with us, whats the problem? Well it might be in that society is trailing behind our orogressive ideology. We are still in a system that goves you power first whether you play the game or not. Opting out has its challenges but until you become trans or homosexual you still are sort of sutomaticslly opted in. Point being, you are accidentally privileged. Not speaking up is painful.. but its not as painful as being a woman who does speak up andchets bullied and harrassed into silence.

As for men who have been assaulted, me too is still open to you/them. Its a slightly different me too approach but yes the system silences you. I think, that the shame of being a man assaulted by a man is deeply engrained in western culture. Men being assaukted by women is very! Wrong and also has a less direct angle but still falls under a problem of patriarchy. How can we orotect young boys from females pedos that take advantage of them? Destroy the system of patriarchy. Boys csn be weak. Men can be weak. Its not a triumph to do "the hot teacher" . Teeanage boys should be encouraged to truly be educated about consent for themselves and their partners. This tho, is not a problem created by feminists. And while some are less focused on how hyper masculine white male domination hurts everyone, there are many of us who do care. I hope this message reaches you well and that you feel the pain of this being released from you.

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Yep, that's my Medium page. Is that what you mean?

Yes :) cheetah doesnt get that ppl post stuff from their blogs elswhere. Thers a problem with spam and plagiarism due to the $$