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I have plenty to say here, but for now I just want to make a few comments.

Is he saying that the feminist movement has caused an increase in mental health disorders?
These types of illnesses do not just show up. They are biological but unfortunately often not diagnosed when minor. There’s also been decades of stigma behind mental illness. I would suspect that due to education and women being empowered, the increase in mental health illnesses are simple an increase in “reported” numbers. Women are less afraid to speak up. #womenspeakout

Having children makes mothers happier
Yes, it makes MOTHERS happy. I am a woman without this so-called natural desire to have children. It is a conscious decision I’ve made for reasons well beyond putting my career over family. The guy, or the studies he’s reading from, are insinuating that I’d be happier if i had children simply because I’m a woman? That I’ve made this choice solely on societal pressures? Absurd.

More to comment later when i have more time

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Hey Appie Pearl. I appreciate your feedback. the study you are referring to that I referenced was done by the British government. "Mental illness" is the term they used. I simply used the study to point out that 1 in 4 women age 16-24 in Britain self report to have anxiety and depression type "disorders" (for lack of a better term). I wouldn't consider this mental illness, but I would consider it proof that way to many women are unhappy. As far as the term "mental illness", theirs not mine, that can be explained by corporate lobbying. Big pharmaceutical companies have used lobbying power to create changes in the DSM diagnosis manual. This allows an increased number of people who are unhappy to be diagnosed "mentally ill" so that pharma can sell more drugs. Evil game, but the public is sleeping. The point is that 25 % of women reporting this is way to high a number. Give it, that does not prove modern feminism as the causation.

Modern feminism generally promotes the putting off of family for career, and sexual liberation. I have no problem with culture encouraging young girls to educate and have careers. The the contrary, I routinely encourage young girls to do just that. The problem is that feminism discourages women from getting married and having children at a relatively young age. Popular culture indoctrinates society with this idea. Hollywood almost always depicts having a family and children as a mistake that will make you miserable and miss out on life. This is a distortion of reality. Nothing cares less about people then corporations. trading family for a 9-5 job doesn't make people happy, it leads to unfulfilled lives. This is especially hard on women because they have biological clocks and cultural messaging is not upfront about this. Women must generally have their family life figured out by 35, yet are taught to put family off.

Many women find out they are no longer fertile around their thirties. Any chance of having a large family is generally lost. Women do have a natural desire to have children. So do men for that matter. It is how we have all survived and passed on genetic codes for 1,000s of years. The topic was just women. Culture promotes the suppression of this desire.

The next pillar of feminism is sexual liberation; which is great to a degree; but again modern culture promotes promiscuity, not liberation. It is a cultural expectation that people have sex shortly after meeting or dating. One night stands are a norm. Just because people can have sex doesn't mean they should. Yet this is not the message we get pushed from the top. There is value in having sex before marriage, but people who are going to be more fulfilled and connect with others spiritually would be wise to wait at least a few months before having sex with a new partner. Connections should first be based on values and spirituality.

Loose culture has also changed men. Men are no longer expected to be "grow up" and get married, so they don't. Large segments of the population are interested in partying and being players into their 30's rather than settling down. This culture does not help women. It creates a generation of men stuck in extended adolescence who don't respect women. They are also not forced to grow up. Nothing turns a boy into a man faster than a wife, a child, and a cultural expectation that he do right by them.

As far as the video, I didn't even get into the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. That is for another day. The video's focus was on culture.

I apologize, I didn't realize it was you in the video.

Being unhappy with your life and depression are very different things. Although I will agree with you that pharmas are evil. I just don't think the measure is real. Let's say for a second we agree on semantics and there is no difference between being unhappy and depression. Is this a true increase in numbers or just an increase in women ready to step up and admit they're looking for more, for change, for something more fulfilling in their lives?

That is what feminism is; empowering women to go after what they want. Regardless of societal pressures, culture, etc.

No need to apologize. It is refreshing when you meet people on the internet interested in real conversations rather than name calling. Our culture would be much better off if people addressed arguments rather than attacking others. The modern education system has taken away peoples ability to disagree gracefully and have debates based on intellectual disagreement. It doesn't surprise me. Just the fact that we have both found an alternative social media platform indicates outside the box thinking. Most people are so cookie cutter.

This is utterly ridiculous. Women weren't happy when they had no legal recourse if they were victims of domestic violence or marital rape. Women weren't happy when they were legally classed as chattel, under the ownership of their nearest male relative.

Any assessment of a person's satisfaction is, by definition, a function of their expectations. There is significant evidence of mental illness among suppressed women in the archaic era, and even more significant evidence of the horrific treatment of women deemed to be mentally ill because of their desires to be empowered, equal or just to have sex with someone of their own choosing.

Feminism isn't some power play seeking to create a female master race with men as their slaves. It's just a movement that says we should all have the same opportunities, based on our talents rather than our prejudices.

It's about fairness and I'm fundamentally concerned at the motives of any person who posts content that argues against fairness.

Also, you need to learn the difference between correlation and causality