City Kicked Out Their Cops and Politicians 7 Years Ago and Now They Have the Lowest Crime in Mexico

in mexico •  6 years ago 

Originally published on The Free Thought Project

A town in Mexico recently celebrated seven years since kicking out the corrupt narco government and reverting back to an indigenous form of self-governance.

In the town of Cherán, in Michoacán, Mexico, a system of traditional indigenous law-enforcement and accountability continues to guide the people. In early 2011, residents of Cherán created armed militias to fight off illegal logging and drug cartels in their community. The community kicked out politicians and police accused of ties to the drug cartels and began a new system of governance based on Purhépecha traditions.

On April 15 of this year, Cherán celebrated seven years since their revolt against what they call "the narco government". The people marked the seventh year of self-governance by naming third Council of Elders.

TV Cheran reports:

"The narco government included a wide variety of characters, including cartel thugs or “sicarios” working alongside illegal loggers who conspired to ravish Cherán’s forests and anyone who got in their way. Cherán lost over 50 community members between 2007 and 2011. Many of those simply disappeared, never to be seen again.

When Cherán rose up, the local mayor, his cabinet, and all the local police fled the community and left community members to fend for themselves. This and many other details that would come to light during first months of the uprising exposed the collusion of local politicians and the police with organized crime and the very violent and illicit logging activity."

Once the corrupt police and politicians left, the community collected the weapons, vehicles, and uniforms and established their own “ronda comunitaria” or community guard. When the uprising first began you might see elderly women with sticks defending the community. These days the community guard is mostly young men and women with professional weapons.

Seven years later and Cherán has one of the lowest levels of violence in all of Mexico. Quite an accomplishment while living in the violent state of Michoacán. “[Cherán’s] main achievement has been peace. It has the lowest homicide rate in all of Michoacán – and maybe all of Mexico outside of [the south-eastern state of] Yucatán, ” Benjamín Fernández, a sociologist at the Centre for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (Ciesas), told The Guardian.

“The only thing the parties have done is divide us,” said Salvador Ceja, Cherán’s communal lands commissioner. “Not just here – in the entire country.”

Shortly after the uprising, all cell phone, television, and radio service were reportedly shut off, disconnecting the people from the rest of the world. In this space, the people of Cherán came together to organize nightly "fogatas', or campfire barricades, which became the central meeting points for organizing. During this process the community came to a consensus and agreed to return to their traditional forms of self-governance using a collective decision making process that continues today.

"The fogatas met every night during the uprising," TV Cheran reported. "Each fogata would send proposals and a representative to neighborhood assemblies and then to community assemblies. The fogata element of the communal government in Cherán was the only new element."

The neighborhood assemblies and the larger general assembly are examples of traditional forms of self-governance that were practiced in Cherán 40 years earlier. However, over time political parties and external forms of governance were forced on the people.

While the community guard is by no means a perfect institution it does offer benefits to the locals that were not available under the police or cartels. Local business owners are no longer forced to pay several hundred dollars a month to criminals. The community guard is accountable to the town assembly and chosen by the people.

This model is closer to traditional indigenous governance systems than what we are used to seeing in most modern cities. However, it offers a window into a different possibility that awaits for those individuals and communities that are willing to take their lives and their governance, back into their own hands. When the people are forced to either accept violence or defend their homes, it seems obvious they will organize and fight.

(journalist Luke Rudkowski visits Cherán )

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This is great news that self government work. Hope more will follow this example.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is so awesome. We should get rid of the most of the governments who are all crooked and all just a lie.
And the social media works right with them trying to make us scared just so we don't travel the world and find out the truth and keep the truth away from us.
Great post and I always love listening to Jeff Berwick and it's my first time listening to Luke Rudkowski.

This is an awesome example of not only self governance but self defense. This is why governments don't want citizens to be well armed. A lot of anarchist don't like the constitution but I think this type of self-governing in mexico is much closer to what the constitution was meant to be than what it has become today. I don't think we need a constitution to make us free but we can learn a lot from it.

The Declaration of Independence set us free, the Constitution doesn't concern us and is not there to "free" us, a much too common misconception, it only concerns our employees and the delegated powers they have, the people have Self Rule, we Self Govern, so the constitution, or the Constitution(s) (there's 3) are there either as an unilateral good faith Contact or is one of the two, now bankrupted Corporate Charters.

You are absolutely correct that the constitution does not "free" us. I am not saying we should have a Constitution at all. What I am suggesting is learning from this document as a lot of founding fathers fought hard to make the US as decentralized as possible. The original document played out in real life would look a lot closer to this town in mexico then what is in reality here in the US today.

For example the power structure was meant to be the city's on top then the states and then the federal government. Today we have the exact opposite of that.

To just dismiss something because of preconceived notions does more harm then good. It is really easy to study and learn from things you disagree with.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Its not any more wisdom in that document than any other Corporate Charter or similar Good Faith Contract, they are mere documents, that aside, what the motivation was behind that hard fight is what we ought to learn about.

well you can learn a lot from documents so don't approach it with a closed mind. we can learn something from anything

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Indeed but besides the face value a document imparts, what possibly could one learn, it's not exactly dripping with wisdom or insights, and you can stick your head up a possums ass to be thought "something" also, you might call that a "closed mind", I've been called worse, I consider myself a realist, and a darn good critical rationalist.

Awesome. This is what it's all about :)
@churdtzu, Yo Kurt, have you seen this?

A model for the world.
It all starts with one.
Could Venezuela be next?

Thank you for sharing this, super interesting.

Congratulations to these people. I'd like to see how their "revolution" spreads to other underprivileged/under-served communities. Then, what lessons can modern western civ take away. I.e., there is always bluster on the internet and social media about tearing down the government, but very little about what might replace it. There will be no traction with those sort of ideas until a vision is offered that would give protections to the most vulnerable and for those who can least afford to pay.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica

Wow this is awesome! I was in Patzcuaro, Michoacan a little over a year ago. It's not too too far from here. Wish I would've known, would've been cool to go visit and maybe interview some people or something lol. So fascinating, though!

not sure what I have to say... I dont think one can get rid of any cartel as long as money exists... but it definitely is an enticing eye opener