How a Trump supporter ended up in Mexico... And how I survive using Bitcoin.

in mexico •  8 years ago 

So I moved to Mexico because I needed a change in my life.. In all honesty I had no idea what I was doing or what I was going to do once I was here. I didn't have much except my American can do attitude and a credit card I knew would be useless in the next couple years... You see, for the last ten years of my life I was under the assumption that I needed to go to school and I was very interested in Medicine. I was a nurse for basically my whole life. Always worked in hospitals and as the son of (legal) immigrants I was on a mission to both integrate and live the American dream. I was doing well and in retrospect, I guess you can say I had it all. My own house, my car, a motorcycle that was my pride and joy, my son whom I love and a girl friend that I thought would stick it through to the end with me. I was on a good trajectory but I wasn't entirely sure how to fulfill my dreams of going to medical school so I could help people and provide for my family.. I wasn't rich and I didn't come from a wealthy family so Mexico was always in the back of my mind even though I could only speak broken english and my reading skills were subpar. I was really interested in politics so I decided to get involved with the community and help give back in hopes that maybe someday the opportunity would present itself for me to get into politics and try to right some of the wrong that I had seen growing up. Of which one was mens and particularly fathers rights. I began to get involved with volunteering at a high school and started teaching special education... I have a brother that is mentally challenged and wanted to do my part. I'm going to skip the details because I'm sure you don't care but... something happened.. I was blamed for something I clearly didn't do and spent a large part of 2016 in jail... I had a lot of time to think about my life while I was in there and was given the opportunity to be released by a Mason I knew well... Yes... I joined the Freemasons... Anyway his advice for me was to get out and never come back... I wasn't sure what he meant by that and wasn't sure what to do. So when I was presented the opportunity to leave I did what my parents and the Masons instructed me to do... I left... It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do... I'm a patriot... and if you didn't think things were crazy enough. I was a Trump supporter... Am a Trump supporter... Ironic wouldn't you say? Before I left I decided to max out my credit cards and buy Bitcoin... Back then it was 800USD so not bad so far... I got into trading Alts and Bitcoin and now live off of it. I will be going more into detail about this with videos.. Not the best writer.. Im kinda just a normal guy.. I gotta tell you having experienced everything that I have it's been a wild ride. I made some videos about my journey thus far... I'll be posting them up soon. Hope you all like a share this post... Let me know if you have any questions.

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Well, I'm glad you are in Mexico now. Hope you can become a doctor in this country, if that is still the way you want to be part of the world.
Mexico is awesome, I love it here (and I don't like USA, I am glad Trump won, though).

You don't have to be the best writer brother.... what counts is that it was a GOOD read and I enjoyed it! Upvoted and followed!

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