Mexican drug cartels are as vicious as any organizations in history.

in mexico •  2 years ago 


They torture and murder routinely to protect and control their territories. They will take over any large lucrative enterprise involving commerce between the United States and Mexico. The Avocado industry, for example, is now primarily controlled by cartels because of the profits and the ready made cross border transportation system in place, which they also use for smuggling. They process and manufacture crystal meth, cocaine and heroin and smuggle it here and distribute it to all the major cities in the U.S.

Human smuggling is extremely profitable. Families of illegals trying to get here pay large sums to have relatives escorted across the border. Systems are in place on both sides including trails, safe houses, cargo vans, guides and drivers. These people decapitate their enemies and/or hang them from bridges in plain sight as a warning to their enemies. Does anyone think their moral values prevent them from trafficking children for money, using them to gain entry? Fully 1/3 of the children apprehended at the border are found to be accompanied by people not related to them. No papers. No way of determining their parentage.

The laws democrats insist on encourage illegal child trafficking but they claim the moral high ground because our border control agents must separate these children from the adults accompanying them to try and determine whether they are being trafficked or not. Democrats are hypocrites. Their stance on the census, voter ID, sanctuary cities, issuing illegals drivers licenses and immigration law, then offering free medical and education to illegals, is motivated by building a voter base...period. And they pretend its about human rights.

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