Análisis exopolítico del muro propuesto en la frontera norte de México/Exopolitical analysis of the proposed wall at the northern border of Mexico

in mexico •  7 years ago  (edited)

Análisis exopolítico del muro propuesto en la frontera norte de México
Exopolitical analysis of the proposed wall at the northern border of Mexico: Spanish version - English version below. English video coming soon!
Entrevista de Francisco Arteaga al futurista Alfred Lambremont Webre
26 Febrero 2018


"El país al norte de Mexico y al sur de Canada tiene mandatario con alma Reptiliano y por eso quiere Muro entre su pais y el país de almas humanas de Mexico - para entrapar a las almas humanas de norteamerica y hacerle guerra a las almas humanas en Mexico, sus vecinos, y el continente Sur."

Terminar tratados con Dracos y Soberanía humana en la Tierra: Transformación Exopolítica 2025

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VER DOCUMENTAL EN Exopolítica en Españolón-exopolítica-2025-con-alfred-lambremont-webre-tijuana-territorio-exopolítico-libre-de.html
Transformación Exopolítica 2025

ENGLISH VERSION - English version video of topic coming soon!

Interview by Francisco Arteaga to the futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre
February 26, 2018


"The country north of Mexico and south of Canada has an agent with a Reptilian soul and therefore wants Wall between his country and the country of human souls of Mexico - to entrap the human souls of North America and make war on human souls in Mexico, its neighbors, and the southern continent. "

End treaties with Dracos and reestablish human Sovereignty on Earth: Exopolitical Transformation 2025

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Brilliant article, thanks Alfred, you are a dedicated warrior of truth. May your pen always have an abundance of ink! Agenda 21 is alive and well in Canada sadly too.