RE: (RedPill) is coming - get to your safe space

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(RedPill) is coming - get to your safe space

in mfmp •  8 years ago 

Bob, for some reason I can't answer your most recent reply directly, so I'm replying here instead. Thanks for taking the time to clarify the issue of how you came to Shoulders and Hutchison. In retrospect it's not a very important point and I probably shouldn't have even brought it up since it allowed you to continue to dodge and ignore all of the much more important points I've brought up while giving some pretense of actually addressing them.

To give one example of an issue you continue to ignore for reasons I cannot understand: how can you refer to Hutchison's work uncritically despite all the evidence of fraud (I linked to one video of many)? You are already going out on a limb here. Don't you see how citing the work of an apparent huckster as proof of something can only hurt your case and put you in the same category? Or do you dismiss all the evidence against him? And if so, why?

Keep in mind that to admit or even consider the possibility that Hutchison is a fraud does not imply DEWs don't exist. In fact, one goal of his fraudulent behavior may have been to discredit the very idea of DEWs and electro-gravitics. If you don't address the evidence against and/or continue to refer to his work uncritically, then by extension you also discredit those concepts.

As for Gardner and mono-atomic gold. I agree that m-state gold might have some relevance. But Gardner's bio is full of red flags, and the fact that his Bloodline book was serialized in the propaganda mouthpiece known as the Daily Mail speaks volumes about how (un)reliable a source it is for anything even remotely related to the truth (as does its appearance on bibliotecapleyades). And as much as I hate to say it, your uncritical referencing of Gardner's and Hutchison's work, without so much as a hint of a caveat, also speaks volumes about your credibility as a red-pill swallowing truth seeker. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I know when you first fall down the rabbit hole it's hard to to tell see these things for what they are -- it's all a bit overwhelming.

So I'm going to say this again and for the last time: TPTB have completely flooded channels of alternative information with misdirection and disinfo as much as mainstream channels, to the extent that nearly all the alternative information 'out there' is tainted. You should be wary and suspicious of it, cautious and tentative in your interpretation of it, and careful in separating the wheat from the chaff. In essence, you need to take a very scientific approach. To do otherwise is to do a disservice to the truth. And you wouldn't want to do that, would you?

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