RE: (RedPill) is coming - get to your safe space

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(RedPill) is coming - get to your safe space

in mfmp •  8 years ago 

Hi Bob, This is JoshG from ECW. I hope you are enjoying your time in India with your family. I don't know what's the best forum to establish a dialogue with you, but I saw you recommended to someone on twitter that they contact you on steemit, so here I am.

I understand from what you've said and written that you have had a series of revelations only in the last couple of weeks, with Judy Wood and 9/11 perhaps being the biggest shocker and catalyst for your awakening. I don't know if you were aware that we have been lied to about 9/11 before that, but I am guessing not. I had a similar awakening a little over a year ago when I watched the excellent (but long) documentary, 9/11: The New Pearl Harbor.

I remember feeling completely off-kilter the next month or so and I continued to wake up to more and more truths about how the world was really quite different than I thought. It knocked me totally off-kilter, and for awhile all I wanted to do was shout out to the world and try to wake everyone else up. So while some people have said that you are experiencing a manic episode, what I see in your videos is someone who is going through a profound transformation and trying to wake up his fellow humans. So I applaud that. It takes an enormous amount of courage. If only they would just look at the evidence! It's plain to see for anyone who is willing to look. Alas, the vast majority of people are not. That is something I have also learned in the last year.

So listen, I want to share with you some of the things that I've learned over the past year. I'm doing this because I've admired the work you've done with MFMP and believe you to be genuine and well-intentioned. You've fallen down the rabbit hole now. There are passages leading in every which way with signposts pointing in all different directions. It's important to be able to consider carefully which ones to ignore and which ones to pay attention to. This message is a signpost that you really need to pay attention to, and I hope you read it carefully. It will help you on your way to trying to discover the truth.

The first thing you need to understand is that The Powers That Be (TPTB) do not want you or anyone else to discover the truth about how this world works, and so they cover everything in a thick layer of fog so it is nearly impossible for us to find our way to the truth. You've punctured through a thick layer of lies and deception, but it would be a mistake to believe that everything on the other side of that membrane is true. Just the opposite. Most of it is just another swarm of lies, another layer of fog. The vast majority of things you will read or watch on conspiracy sites or conspiracy-related matters is disinfo and misdirection. They are deliberately spread by TPTB.

I would define disinfo as information about some conspiracy-related topic that TPTB disseminate that is not true at all. Misdirection is trickier, because it is information they disseminate that has some truth mixed in with lies. Or in some cases they tell the truth up to a certain point and then at the end they point you in the wrong direction, blaming the wrong people for what they've just revealed. (Some people use the terms disinfo and misdirection interchangeably--it's not really important.) Both disinfo and misdirection are basically forms of what you've been saying on your videos: they tell you "no, don't look over there, look over here." But if you really want to conceal the truth from somebody, then both of those options are going to be false and the truth (or the deeper truths) will be found in some direction that they don't even acknowledge.

It is extremely difficult to tease apart the truth from the lies. One reason is this that the lies they tell about themselves are so bad that you can't imagine someone spreading such vile lies about themselves. If you've decided that TPTB are really truly evil and then you read something about them that confirms your suspicions and portrays them as really evil, it's hard to see why the source of that information would be coming from TPTB. You might conclude that such information is wrong, but you aren't likely to suspect that it is deliberately meant to mislead. But it is. Why would anyone say such bad things about themselves? And I'll repeat: virtually everything conspiracy-related that you will read or see is meant to mislead you. It might be straight-up disinfo or misdirection, but it is designed to keep you from really getting to the truth. And they are masters of deception.

Have you every heard the advice that you can use an embarrassing lie to get out of trouble? So for example say you're hung over and miss your alarm and arrive late to work. Instead of telling your boss the truth, you tell him that you had explosive diarrhea on the way in and had to go back home to change your clothes. He would never think you were lying, since why would anyone lie about that? So it's kind of like that but on a unimaginable scale.

They are also good at giving things the appearance of truth by making it seem as if they are trying to suppress it. If it wasn't true, why would they (appear to be) trying to hide it? But the fact that you've heard of it in the first place is a good indication that they are not trying to hide it but deliberately planted it.

Another element of this is a specific form of misdirection known as a 'limited hangout.' A 'limited hangout' is misdirection that leads you part way to the truth but then stalls before getting there. Supporters of Judy Wood often call the "controlled demolition" theory of 9/11 a limited hangout, because while it recognizes that 9/11 was an "inside job," it doesn't go far enough in explaining how the towers were brought down.

Now, I've seen on twitter that you have been promoting Wikileaks and asking them to look at your videos. But the problem is that Wikileaks is a limited hangout. The first tip-off to that is that Assange has dismissed 9/11 conspiracy theories, saying: "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." You see, Assange wants us looking in the direction he's pointing to. He's a very good disinfo agent, because much of the information he reveals is, indeed, really shocking regarding wars and financial fraud. And that stuff might very well be true. But the point is: as long as they keep people busy with that stuff, they aren't busy looking into "false" conspiracies (which are actually true). They also give Assange more credibility by making it appear as if they are trying to suppress Wikileaks and put him in jail, etc.

Yes, what I'm telling you is that Assange is an intelligence asset and the leaks are controlled, deliberate leaks. So far the stuff coming out of the Vault 7 is not really that new. But it also serves the interests of the CIA and TPTB, because it makes people think that they are being watched all the time. Jeremy Bentham knew what a powerful control mechanism that was when he developed his plans for the panopticon. I'm not saying that the information revealed is a lie (though it may be); what I'm saying is that Wikileaks is a form of misdirection or limited hangout. If what you have to offer them is truly revolutionary, they will not touch it, because at the end of the day their job is to offer people a distraction or limited hangout. "Look here!"

Wikileaks, like most of the information you will find on almost all conspiracy-oriented websites and youtube channels, is mostly a distraction. The information has some value, to be sure, but mostly it is there to keep you from looking elsewhere.

Another aspect of the conspiracy lies they spread is that they want us to be afraid, in general, and also afraid of them. You know that famous phrase from Dune, "Fear is the mind-killer." Well it's true. One of their ruling strategies is to keep us in a state of fear, especially afraid of one another. It's part of the divide-and-rule gambit, and I see that you've recognized that which is great. But beyond that they generally want us afraid since it makes us more suggestible. When you are off kilter you are also easier to (mis)lead. So in conspiracy circles there is a lot of fear-mongering that goes on. Whenever I see a conspiracy engaging in fear-mongering (Financial collapse coming! Doomsday weapon coming on line! Obama is going to grab our guns, declare martial law and round us up into FEMA camps!), my spidey sense starts tingling that I am dealing with disinfo. I acknowledge that I might be wrong in any given instance, but I will not give myself over to fear, because I believe it gives them an advantage or a minor victory. I also try not to spread a message to others that might induce fear.

I must be blunt here and tell you that in my opinion your messages so far have been a bit mixed in this regard. You tell us not to fear and to love one another, and I agree with that message wholeheartedly. But you also give us the impression that there are "dragons" (still not sure what you mean by this) that could vaporize us at any moment, so we should avoid buildings made of steel or steel-and-concrete. You also seem to be promoting a kind of doomsday message about Earthquakes in California. Your remarks are these matters certainly seem to have a sense of "the sky is falling" panic. My sense is that you are getting that information from somewhere and believe it to be true. But I think it is clouding your judgement, and that is what it is meant to do. Take a deep breath. Don't panic. Doomsday messages are a time-worn tradition in both religious and conspiracy matters. So far they haven't come true.

You appear to believe that they are evil spirits who are going to engage in some kind of mass slaughter via HAARP-induced earthquakes and directed energy weapons in order to harvest our souls. I don't know what you've read to lead you to those conclusions, but you know what? You might be right, either in whole or in part. But I'm skeptical and, for all the reasons I discussed above, I think you should be skeptical, too. You should be skeptical of everything you've read that has lead you to those conclusions. It doesn't mean you're wrong. It just means recognizing that TPTB have spread lies in a million different directions trying to conceal the truth. Lies that don't look like lies. Misdirection that sounds like the truth. False leads and dead ends. One piece of advice I've seen is to assign a probability to every conspiracy-related thing you hear, rather than either rejecting or fully embracing.

Another reason to be skeptical of the conclusions you've reached is that, in my opinion, the lies that TPTB spread generally tend to portray themselves as being more nefarious and evil than they really are. Part of that is that they want us to be afraid of them. Really afraid. For example, there is a lot of stuff out there about how they are satanic and sacrifice children for satanic rituals or engage in satanic ritual abuse. That my be true. But once you discover how much bad stuff they've invented or hoaxed or lied about that is not really true, you may begin to be skeptical of that as well.

Of course you should be skeptical of what I'm telling you as well. But please do consider it carefully. I am taking a lot of time and care in writing all of this to you because I believe in you and I want to help you. I'm not trying to mislead you in any way.

Another tactic TPTB use is called 'controlled opposition.' Basically, you create or co-opt opposing movements and points of view to ensure that there is no real opposition or that the real opposition ultimately fails. Lenin is famous for his quote on "creating the opposition in order to control it," but it wasn't just Lenin. This is a time-worn tactic of ruling powers everywhere. Sometimes the opposition appears very genuine so it's hard to discern that it's controlled. In the cold-fusion arena we see this now with Industrial Heat. If we think of LENR energy as an opposition or threat to fossil fuels, then TPTB need to control that opposition. So they've set IH up to do that by taking control of emerging technologies and delaying them. You said yourself that IH is is controlled by CIA. Your statement about that lent further confirmation to what I've been suspecting for quite awhile.

But this tactic is hardly limited to LENR. It's everywhere. I can pretty much guarantee you that anything that might threaten or challenge the wealth and power of TPTB in any way is controlled. But more than that, most of the division we see in the world are fake. The whole Russia hacking thing is a myth, since Russia has been under control of TPTB at least since the Bolshevik Revolution. (And I'm not talking out of my ass here--there is a wealth of evidence of this and I'd be happy to give you more details if you're interested.) As I've mentioned, Assange is also controlled opposition (and Snowden, too). Chomsky is also obvious since he, too, dismisses 9/11 truth. Pretty much all the major conspiracy websites, including zerohedge, bibliotecapleyades, infowars, etc. etc. are all controlled opposition, disinformation, etc. Again, it doesn't mean everything they say is a lie, but it does mean that you should not trust them since it is often very difficult to discern what is true and what is not.

Here is a relatively short essay that I always recommend reading to people who have just 'woken up' and punctured the membrane of consensus reality. It is an essay by Miles Mathis, who in addition to being a brilliant physicist has also done some extremely penetrating conspiracy research. The essay is on "gurus," and here is a key takeaway point (though I strongly recommend reading the whole thing):

"Look at it this way: say you wanted to control everyone in the world. Well, people are at different levels. They have different interests and beliefs and levels of intelligence. So if you want to control everyone, you have to place your guys at all these levels, on all possible paths."

"If you are a football coach setting up a defense on the field, you don't put all your tacklers in the middle of the field, or all on one side. You spread them out. You want to block all possible paths to the goal. You have to defend against the run and the pass, the short ball and the long ball. "

"It is the same with government. If you want to govern people, you have to keep them on the path you have chosen for them. That is how the governors understand government. You may think government is about keeping people employed and building highways and educating children, but it isn't. It is
about “governing” them. Moving them around at will.... They keep you from troubling them and mold you into someone who can make them richer. That is what our society requires, and very little else."

"With that goal in mind, the last thing the governors want is “enlightened” people or “self-actualized” people. Those people might make money for themselves, think for themselves, and govern themselves. People like that make very poor clients. People like that are just trouble. So the governors have to head them off. Since people take many different paths, the governors have to place their blockers and tacklers everywhere. They have to have blockers for smart people and dumb people, lazy people and ambitious people, caring people and uncaring people, progressive people and conservative people, men and women, young and old."

"And they have to have blockers and tacklers up and down the field, on the fifty-yard line as well as on the five-yard line. If you get past one line of tacklers, they have to have another line ready for you."

The rest of my reply exceeds the maximum length, so I will post this and continue with a follow-up comment.

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