Do you know the name of world fastest train like airoplane

in mgsc •  7 years ago 

Do you want to know the name of the train which is the fastest train in the world.

I also gives somes details of this train to you.


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The full form of SCMaglev is superconducting maglev. formerly called the MLU.

SCMaglev works by magnetic levitation.

This railway system is developed by Central Japan Railway Company.

On 21 April 2015, a manned seven-car L0 series SCMaglev train reached a speed of 603 km/h (375 mph).

The SCMaglev system uses an electrodynamic suspension (EDS) system.

I gives you some idea about this train in some words.

But, if you are interested in then you go to this wikipedia link

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world fastest train..

Yes of cource

the train use EDS system.