Something about belief which can help everyone

in mgsc •  6 years ago 


Are we not lost if we don’t have a foundation for our belief
Or is it a blind hope, hoping for things to be better in the coming days
Are we not lying to ourselves, being passive instead of proactive?

For what I have come to know, man has fend for himself despite the harshness of this nature…
He has learnt to live, to survive, to grow and improve his environment.

With many years passing, each man’s idea has been build up by those that come after them. Technology, philosophy, education , agriculture and many other industry have been developed slowly with patience and determination by all humanity. No one was selfish, but they all focused on building a better world for themselves and the coming generations.

Nothing could have happened without belief for the unknown future. But men have held it steady, knowing that the future will come, the sun will rise again and grass will grow once more and still they are very much aware of their eventual demise .
It’s very hard to accept things without proof, because we have been made with eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. These sensory organs are our guide in this world, without them, we would be completely blind. They are the middle interface that joins the living being with the physical elements of nature.
We have relied on these organs since birth and we are still relying on them, we can’t live without them.

To see beyond you need another factor that is not limited by distance, volume, time and nature. The element of Belief.
To have proof is to be limited by natural elements but to have faith, to have belief is to trust the unknown, seeing beyond the horizon.

I don’t know yet how it all works but it seems like the only way to go is by letting ourselves go and giving up all for the course of the ultimate glory as instructed by our forefathers. Their logic from the deductive reasoning sounds good, just enough for believing. Even if we end up asking for more proof, then we will spend our entire lifetime proving what is already there. Maybe a few inches variations, but not that huge.
We were cursed, timeline is of an issue, we have to abide by natures laws to see us the end.
Believing is accepting to be free, getting that freedom from worries and letting it all go, for it is the best option that appeals to our senses and reason.

Joan of Arc says, “ One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying ”29594391_1807401952899233_3726983833206631139_n.jpg

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Having a belief is good but is having blind faith okay? I mean a lot of people have faith in God that he will do everything right. How is that going to happen~
