Exposing the Federal Reserve

in mgsc •  6 years ago  (edited)



The Federal Reserve, “the Fed”, is the central bank of the United States of America that was created in 1913 by Congress. It is a banking cartel that has a government-granted monopoly on the creation of money and credit. The Fed literally loans “money” (Federal Reserve Notes) into existence. Federal Reserve Notes are paper promises backed by nothing of intrinsic value and they are only functioning as money because the government forces them on the public through legal tender laws. Federal Reserve Notes are referred to as dollars but are not. The definition of a dollar is a weight of silver (371 grains). To put it simply, the Fed is a group of banks running a national counterfeiting operation with the protection of the government.


Because you’re being systematically robbed and enslaved. The Fed’s counterfeiting causes the price of goods and services to rise which requires you to work harder in order to purchase them. Even with all the technological advances over the last century, you have to work just as hard or even harder to survive. The Fed is siphoning off the productivity that should have come from those technological advances. The reality is that you are working overtime solely for the benefit of some bankers who the government gave the power to conjure money out of nothing. In addition, the Fed’s counterfeiting finances the tools of the government’s oppression over you: the militarization of the police, the surveillance apparatus, and the endless wars.

If you cherish truth, freedom, justice, and want to leave behind a better world for your loved ones then you must…END THE FED! A free market, where each individual has the freedom to choose what form of money to use rather than one being forced on them, must be allowed to function in its place.



The first step to end the Fed is to incite social contagion. This message needs to spread through the populace like an infectious disease. It needs to be plastered everywhere so that it cannot be ignored. There are many people who don’t know anything about the Fed and many who have been conditioned to believe that it is good and necessary. So there’s lots of work to do

The second step to end the Fed is to merge the social contagion with non-compliance. Refuse to participate in the scam. Stop using Federal Reserve Notes to the maximum extent possible and encourage others to do the same. Stop saving in it. Stop accepting it as payment for goods and services. Stop doing business with any of the large commercial banks (Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, etc). Instead, convert your Federal Reserve Notes into sound forms of money, such as physical gold and silver coins, and into other real tangible assets. For any leftover Federal Reserve Notes that you must keep, hold it as physical cash at home or deposit it in a local credit union.

Physical gold and silver can be purchased at a local dealer or online. When purchasing physical, always take possession of it. A basic strategy is to purchase 1 oz bullion coins with the lowest premium above the market spot price and avoid numismatic (collector) coins that often come with a high premium. For those with little income or savings, start with silver which currently has a much lower price when compared to gold. A recommended online dealer for physical is Provident Metals.

Create a Goldmoney account. Goldmoney is a 100% reserve gold savings and payments network which allows you to purchase gold and transfer it to anyone in the world. This is a convenient way to transact with gold. You can also redeem your account balance in physical if desired.

And finally Blogging against Federal Reserve

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Very intresting and unique article..........keep posting

thanks brother

So nice effort to make this article. I enjoyed this.


very nice interesting article


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Good articl, Carry on

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A good one.

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and a relevant content


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Nice content



thanxx for sharing this..

nice post
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