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Ok but we are in love.

But How it be possible??
You r Elisha nd Me Zoya..😒

You have skills and I inherited those skills.

I hv no skills.. You have skills...
By the way your spoken english is👌👌
I can't speak like you😒

I don't have a crush.

Now You have 😂😂
You can 😯

I don't think speaking via computer is enough to have a good friendship, but how could we meet outside of the internet.

Where r you from??

Everything I want to know about you

Why won't you tell me about yourself?

Tell me that you want to know about me..

I would like to know if you are a boy or a girl.

I m Zoya
But This id have one more user..
I come here only night Time..
Anything else??

What is your exam about?

I have no exam right now..
I do job..
Already told you...