Blockchain: The 50 Largest Public Companies Exploring Blockchain

in mgsc •  6 years ago  (edited)

I cover venture reception of blockchain and cryptographic money.

There's in excess of one approach to pick up presentation to blockchain advancement. Past purchasing over-the-counter items or putting straightforwardly in blockchain new companies a portion of the biggest open organizations on the planet are as of now fiddling with the tech. Actually, a more intensive take a gander at this year's Forbes Global 2000 list of the biggest open organizations on the planet uncovers that not just are all ten of the biggest open organizations in the world exploring blockchain, yet no less than 50 of the greatest names on the rundown have all made their own blemish on innovation initially roused by bitcoin.

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  1. American Express Company [Ticker image: AXP]

Area: United States

Deals: $37.65 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 119 on the Global 2000, this credit goliath is trying an approach to utilize blockchain to give merchants more control over participation rewards.

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  1. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. [550190]

Area: Spain

Deals: $29.24 billion

Blockchain Play: The bank positioned number 116 on the Global 2000, has declared it shut a €75 million corporate credit utilizing both ethereum.
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  1. Mizuho Financial Group [8411]

Area: Japan

Deals: $29.73 billion

Blockchain Play: An early pioneer in an extensive variety of blockchain ventures, the 114th biggest organization on the Global 2000 endured a shot for the current year when its head of blockchain left, as indicated by a CoinDesk report .

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  1. BHP Billiton Limited [614469]

Area: Australia

Deals: $41.23 billion

Blockchain Play: Often called the world's biggest mining organization, the 108th biggest firm on the current year's Global 2000 rundown is exploring how blockchain can enhance its inventory network.

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  1. Oracle Corporation [ORCL]

Area: United States

Deals: $39.47 billion

Blockchain Play: Since joining Hyperledger Fabric in 2017, the 107th biggest organization on the current year's Global 2000 rundown has been planning to dispatch its own particular undertaking blockchain stage.

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  1. Tencent Holdings Ltd [BMMV2K]

Area: China

Deals: $35.27 billion

Blockchain Play: Earlier this year, the organization positioned 105 on the Global 2000, announced work with the Shenzhen State Taxation Bureau to investigate blockchain and charges.

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  1. AIA Group [B4TX8S]

Area: Hong Kong

Deals: $31.92 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked 93 on the Global 2000, the protection monster last year revealed a bancainsurance stage utilizing Hyperledger Fabric, and now runs its possess blockchain quickening agent.

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  1. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. [BABA]

Area: China

Deals: $37.87 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 81 on the Global 2000, this internet business mammoth has guided a sustenance inventory network and plans to contribute some portion of a $14 billion Series An in the tech.

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  1. MetLife, Inc. [MET]

Area: United States

Deals: $64.08 billion

Blockchain Play: The protection mammoth positioned number 78 on the Global 2000 has partnered with IBM and protection tech organization Majesco, to manufacture a blockchain stage for protection.

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  1. Facebook, Inc. [FB]

Area: United States

Deals: $44.59 billion

Blockchain Play: The CEO of the 77th biggest organization on the Forbes Global 2000 rundown, Mark Zuckerberg, has explained his organization intends to investigate blockchain in various utilize cases.

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  1. Prudential Financial [PRU]

Area: United States

Deals: $61.13 billion

Blockchain Play: Largely working in the background, the budgetary monster positioned number 73 on the Global 2000 and is a supporter of influential Digital Currency Group.

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  1. Walt Disney Company [DIS]

Area: United States

Deals: $56.83 billion

Blockchain Play: After the diversion monster racked an interior blockchain arrangement, Dragonchain, workers spun-off their own startup to market the stage.

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  1. IBM [IBM]

Area: United States

Deals: $80.06 billion

Blockchain Play: The PC goliath positioned number 67 on the Global 2000 has publicly released the generally utilized Hyperledger Fabric and is a main thrust behind various blockchain activities.

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  1. Ford Motor Company [F]

Area: United States

Deals: $159.59 billion

Blockchain Play: The auto monster that positioned number 67 on the Global 2000 co-propelled a blockchain look into gather for the vehicle business, and was allowed a patent for controlling activity stream.

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  1. Prudential [70995]

Area: United Kingdom

Deals: $111.48 billion

Blockchain Play: The organization positioned number 66 on the Global 2000 has banded together with Singapore telecom firm StarHub to launch a blockchain-based exchange stage for private companies.

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  1. Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. [407683]

Area: Italy

Deals: $42.52 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 61 on the Global 2000, this Italian bank has been a pioneer in utilizing open blockchains, including bitcoin to timestamp records and ethereum for subsidiaries.

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  1. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. [GS]

Area: United States

Deals: $43.69 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 60 of the Global 2000, the bank has plans to open its own bitcoin exchanging work area.

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  1. ING Group [BZ5739]

Area: Netherlands

Deals: $56.58 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 56 on the Global 2000, ING Group has publicly released programming arrangements intended to help secure a client's character.

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  1. Inc. [AMZN]

Area: United States

Deals: $193.19 billion

Blockchain Play: This internet business monster positioned number 53 on the Global 2000, offers cloud incorporations for various blockchains and as of late banded together with ethereum startup ConsenSys.

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  1. Siemens AG [572797]

Area: Germany

Deals: $94.47 billion

Blockchain Play: This modern mammoth positioned number 51 on the Global 2000 and has invested in LO3, a blockchain vitality startup attempting to enable neighbors to purchase and offer sun powered power straightforwardly from each other.

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  1. Morgan Stanley [MS]

Area: United States

Deals: $45.59 billion

Blockchain Play: notwithstanding clearing bitcoin prospects contracts for its clients, the number 50 organization on the Global 2000 additionally issued a report on the negative effects of bitcoin mining on nature.

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  1. Intel Corporation [INTC]

Area: United States

Deals: $64.03 billion

Blockchain Play: Since contributing blockchain stage Sawtooth to the Hyperledger consortium, the PC mammoth positioned number 49 on the Global 2000, has concentrated on how equipment can help blockchain.

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  1. Nestle [712387]

Area: Switzerland

Deals: 91.23 billion

Blockchain Play: The Swiss nourishment goliath positioned number 48 on the current year's Global 2000 and is presently part of a consortium working with IBM to expel pointless go betweens from the way they dispatch merchandise.

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  1. Sberbank Russia [476798]

Area: Russia

Deals: $46.33 billion

Blockchain Play: The 47th biggest open organization as indicated by the Global 2000, propelled a blockchain lab in 2017 and is working with Russia's securities safe to investigate blockchain corporate securities.

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  1. Pfizer [PFE]

Area: United States

Deals: $52.67 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 44 on the Global 2000, this pharmaceutical monster is in the beginning periods of an undertaking with Chronicled, a blockchain startup for supply chains.

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  1. Royal Bank of Canada [RY]

Area: Canada

Deals: $40.49

Blockchain Play: notwithstanding investigating various blockchain arrangements, the bank positioned number 42 on the Forbes Global 2000, not long ago enrolled a patent for mechanizing FICO ratings.

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  1. Anheuser-Busch InBev [ABI-BE]

Area: Belgium

Deals: $56.36 billion

Blockchain Play: Number 42 on the Global 2000, the creator of Budweiser has declared work on a blockchain stage went for rearranging cargo coordinations.

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  1. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group [8306]

Area: Japan

Deals: $51.76 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 37 on the Global 2000, MUFJ joined the Ripple installments organize in 2017, and plans to co-dispatch its own particular blockchain arrangement one year from now.

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  1. Comcast Corporation [CMCSA]

Area: United States

Deals: $86.85 billion

Blockchain Play: The media communications goliath that positioned number 34 of the Global 2000, backs Boldstart Ventures, which puts resources into big business blockchain new companies.

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  1. AXA Group

Area: France

Deals: $149.9 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 33 on the Global 2000, this protection mammoth propelled its 'Fizzy' savvy contract stage utilizing ethereum to consequently execute flight protection installments.

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  1. Banco Santander [570594]

Area: Spain

Deals: $56.07 billion

Blockchain Play: The 31st biggest open organization on the current year's Global 2000 rundown has put resources into Ripple and Digital Asset Holdings, and propelled an installments application utilizing Ripple innovation.

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  1. Daimler AG [552902]

Area: Germany

Deals: $193.22 billion

Blockchain Play: Since a year ago issuing at €100 million corporate security utilizing ethereum, the producer of Mercedez-Benz, positioned number 29 on the Global 2000 rundown, has begun testing its claim digital money.

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  1. Walmart [WMT]

Area: United States

Deals: $500.34 billion

Blockchain Play: Since an early model to utilize Hyperledger Fabric on the pork store network, the worldwide food merchant that positioned 24 on the Global 2000, has extended its blockchain work to other supply chains.
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  1. Alphabet Inc. [GOOGL]

Area: United States

Deals: $117.88 billion

Blockchain Play: notwithstanding various blockchain ventures, the hunt monster that positioned number 23 on the current year's Global 2000 rundown is purportedly dealing with its own particular blockchain ventures.

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  1. Allianz SE [523148]

Area: Germany

Deals: $122.55 billion

Blockchain Play: also to building a model for "self-protection," the protection goliath that positioned number 22 on the Global 2000 is reportedly exploring a token for moving worth.
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  1. Microsoft Corporation [MSFT]

Area: United States

Deals: $103.31 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 20 on the Global 2000, the product mammoth was among the first to adapt blockchain administrations, and now works with various blockchains by means of it's Azure stage.

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  1. BNP Paribas SA [730968]

Area: France

Deals: $117.77 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 19 on the Global 2000, this French bank is working with "Enormous Four" bookkeeping firm, EY, to utilize blockchain for its inward treasury tasks.

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  1. Samsung Electronics Co. [677172]

Area: South Korea

Deals: $224.64 billion

Blockchain Play: Ranked number 14 on the Global 2000, this gadgets monster a year ago declared its Nexledger stage for following worldwide supply chains.

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  1. Toyota Motor Corp. [7203]

Area: Japan

Deals: $265.17 billion

Blockchain Play: An establishing individual from the Blockchain Mobility Consortium, this assembling monster is exploring how blockchain installments could empower self-driving autos.

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  1. Royal Dutch Shell Plc. [B03MM4]

Area: Netherlands

Deals: $321.77 billion

Blockchain Play: An investor in blockchain advancement firm, Applied Blockchain, this oil monster is also working with BP to make a vitality products stage.
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  1. Ping An Insurance Company [B01FLR]

Area: China

Deals: $141.62 billion

Blockchain Play: notwithstanding being an individual from appropriated record gathering, R3, this protection goliath works with other protection firms to explore blockchain.

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  1. Bank of China Ltd. [B15456]

Area: China

Deals: $118.15 billion

Blockchain Play: The Chinese bank has joined forces with tech monster Tencent to test monetary uses of blockchain innovation, as indicated by a CoinDesk report, and has documented various related licenses.

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  1. Apple Inc. [AAPL]

Area: United States

Deals: $247.53 billion

Blockchain Play: The PC mammoth has filed a patent for utilizing blockchain innovation to timestamp information.

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  1. Wells Fargo and Company [WFC]

Area: United States

Deals: $102.06 billion

Blockchain Play: As a major aspect of being an early individual from circulated record consortium R3, this bank is helping assemble a simpler way to track securitized home loans.

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  1. Bank of America [BAC]

Area: United States

Deals: $102.98 billion

Blockchain Play: One of the most productive patenters of blockchain innovation, this managing an account mammoth is attempting to mechanize the procedure of creating letters of credit utilizing the ethereum blockchain.

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  1. Agricultural Bank of China [B60LZR]

Area: China

Deals: $129.34 billion

Blockchain Play: The state-claimed bank is chipping away at a decentralized system to offer unsecured agricultural advances to e-comerce merchent

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  1. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. [BRK.B]

Area: United States

Deals: $235.16 billion

Blockchain Play: Berkshire backup BNSF railroad and fine gems auxiliary Richline Group are exploring blockchain to streamline their supply chains.
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  1. JPMorgan Chase & Co. [JPM

Area: United States

Deals: $118.18 billion

Blockchain Play: Since contributing blockchain stage Quorum to the open-source network various engineers have communicated interest, including information monster IHS Market
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  1. China Construction Bank Corporation [B0LMTQ]

Area: China

Deals: 143.2 billion

Blockchain Play: CCB is utilizing the IBM Blockchain stage to streamline the way banks and insurance agencies mutually offer a portion of their money related item

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  1. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China [B1G1QD]

Area: China

Deals: $165 billion

blockchain Play: A patent recorded by ICBC depicts an approach to utilize blockchain innovation to check advanced authentications rather than a trusted central specialist.

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