What Is MGTOW?

in mgtow •  8 years ago  (edited)

MGTOW stands for Men Going Their Own Way.
It's mostly an online tag that Identifies men who reject gynocentrisim. MGTOW are men who wish to remain free from unfair slavery contracts such as marriage and jail. 3rd and 4th wave feminists work with the state in order to grant resources, special rights and privileges to women at the expense of men. MGTOW asks for nothing but freedom for all men from their social role as disposable protector/providers. Feminism lied to you, they don't want equality, they want female supremacy. MGTOW want the truth and freedom.

Divorce laws favor women
Child custody laws favor women
Women can vote without signing up for the draft
Male domestic abuse victims are often jailed
Women who ruin men's lives through false rape accusations are not punished
Male genital mutilation is still legal
Men comprise the majority of workplace death and injury
Men pay the majority of taxes
The majority of homeless people are men

All men are not rapists, deadbeats or thugs. Wake up men of the world you are not disposable! Shed the chains of gynocentrisim and be free to create your own life without the validation of female standards.

Find out more Here.

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