Bajai Body Camp 10.0: Day 290
Friday March 23, 2018
Sunny Isles Beach, Florida
1.588% lazing
My plan is to lounge today and spend more time outside. I'll get the daily "chores" done tonight.
But first, Bizarro Dream #32418.
Another dream where I'm at the old job. Shifts are changing and I've got one more task to complete. Something simple that involves a typewriter. In fact, the task is closing out the daily log. And the typewriter is a combination typewriter and computer and I can't get the paper aligned properly to complete the process.
After remaining into the next shift I finally give up and leave. There's snow all over the place and it's so bright out it looks like daytime although it's after midnight.
I go out into the snow, but I'm not cold. I realize I'm not going to make it home. So I decide to get a Hotel Tonight... and that's when I woke up.
I usually wonder what these dreams mean... if anything.
Just a few pushups this morning, then some time at the pool... lying out and then calisthenics in the pool. Maybe I'm not as fat as I thought I was last week. I do think it's funny worrying about how flabby I am. If I don't monitor it, I'll be right back to being a blubber boy.
Great meals today. Prepping for the gym. Chest I think. And leg work time to get packin.
Gym night was rockin! Chest work, pushups and presses. Pulls and shrugs. Twists and stretches, shoulder therapy. More dynamic warm up. Good set!
Good night.