I Have To Burn Down The House

in mice •  6 years ago  (edited)

*the future of my home

The battle of my life started about 2 weeks ago. 

I walked down the stairs and rounded the corner that leads to our kitchen and startled a mouse on the kitchen counter.  Upon hearing my shrill scream the mouse was frozen in fear.  Standing on his back legs looking at me, as if to ask what the issue was.  

At this point you might be wondering why I screamed, it is just a mouse after all:

I can't help the scream.  It is located in some overly alarmed spot in my brain.  There are only a few things that trigger this scream in me.  

  1. My husband stealthfully walking into a room and speaking to me
  2. Seeing a mouse

Anyway, back to the kitchen standoff, the mouse is perched on his back legs, with ridiculously large ears, and beady eyes, peering at me, seemingly more concerned about figuring out why I screamed than doing the decent thing which is to scurry out of my sight.  My body is also frozen and we stand frozen in a stare off for what feels like eternity, the sound of my scream echoing in our ears.

We both regain the ability to move at about the same time, but neither of us know what to do!

The mouse starts to dodge one direction and changes his mind, dodges the other direction (towards the stove) realizes the burner is hot (I was making tea) and he freezes again.  I am really confused at this point.  I have never seen such an aggressive mouse, it will not leave my sight so that I can regain normal function.  

So, I did what any normal person would do at this moment and with the yell of a warrior, I grab the cheese grater on the counter and I throw it at the mouse. After the cheese grater bounced off the coffee pot more than a foot away, I got lucky on the bounce and it landed close enough to the mouse to send him running for cover under the microwave oven.  

I am too exhausted from the battle at this point to keep fighting, and I no longer remember why I went into the kitchen in the first place. I officially had the creepy crawlies, a serious medical condition, so I go back upstairs and order 147 types of mouse bait, mouse traps, poison, little deadly mouse hotels..  As I am checking out on Amazon, the fire alarm begins to go off.   Damn, I forgot the tea water.

Of course now I have  PTSD as I walk down the stairs like I am walking into a war zone to turn off the fire alarm and see if the tea pot can be salvaged.  The bravery I showed was amazing, creeping down the stairs in defensive position as if the mice army was down there ready to greet me.  I managed to turn off the burner on the stove, put the scorched teapot in the sink and silence the fire alarm.  

The battle doesn't end there though:

On top of ordering hundreds of dollars of mouse traps on Amazon, I also called my husband and asked him to buy traps, poison, a gun, and anything else he could think of to resolve this issue.  He's used to me at this point and let's me ramble off the list of things and comes home with poison and a mouse trap.   To which we see very little evidence of the huge army of mice my brain insists we have.

Until yesterday

Yesterday the mouse showed up in my room.  He is mocking me.  He does not care that I can see him, he pokes his head out at will, runs from one side of the room to the other.  As my scream echos through the house, my husband's reassuring voice comes from downstairs..

"Did you see a mouse?", the laughter in his voice barely concealed.  (he is mocking me)

I saw the mouse again this morning, it is now clear that I will have to burn down the house.

It is the only reasonable solution.  That will teach them both.


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I do not walk stealthily. I simply walk. Is it my fault others are not aware of their surroundings? Why do I keep getting accused of sneaking up on people?

Yes, you sneak up on innocent people all of the time! "Whisper Toe Joe".

Haha you guys :) I was chuckling as I read this. Has the house been burned down yet?

I'm not joining them in the accusation o

I stand with you @roundhere

you need some cats!

Yes, I think I do!

every farm should have atleast one cat.

Exactly! ! A cat would help fight your battle

when nature is providing cat toys and food, its trying to tell you someting.

I also called my husband and asked him to buy traps, poison, a gun, and anything else he could think of to resolve this issue.

@roundhere , you better follow through this seems like the gun is the only solution.

I forgot to mention a pipe bomb, that might be good also. Roundhere, might go down with the house, if he mocks my fear of mice again.

She has a 12 gauge shotgun. Not sure why she doesn't use it. I can fix holes in the wall.

Really? I know you can... but are you sure you would want to.

Loved the story and the picture and the end. I got you if you need a place to stay.

My God!

kind of reminded me of the movie Mouse Hunt! My wife and I had a similar situation, only it wasn't mice, it was rats. We lived near a large chicken farm, and many of the neighbours told us that they all have problems with rats also. We moved after 1 month.

Awe. You should trap it and set it free. lol

Crazy talk! Crazy.

lol ;) I'm pretty sure you are far away otherwise I'd offer to come rescue your new pet.

I can't pass this one up...

Have you tried negotiating with the mouse? Perhaps he'd be willing to buy the house since sharing isn't an option.

Excellent idea! haha. :)

lol @demotruk would a down payment in cheese be a viable option?

I had literally a whole "school" of them 15 years ago in my first house.

It was so dreadful. I remember chasing one in my bathroom and cornering it. I had one of my weights in hand and smashed him with it.

I felt really bad. It was completely different than what I thought I would see.

I was thinking of a rat and an all menacing , nasty creature.

But when I looked at him he was so small and innocent looking. And making this quiet high pitched whimper. But I had to put him out of his misery.

Luckily I only lived in that house for three years.

But I feel your frustration and apprehension. They are slight but still can carry diseases and it's just creepy knowing they are in your house.

Thanks for sharing @whatsup and hope you get it resolved .

We're seeming to be in the same battle. The mouse battle . At night is there play time. I thought when winter was over that they'd go outside and stay. Oh boy was I wrong. Looks like they just brought more of there family inside.
They seem to be smart. I set traps but they seem to stay set. Like they know to stay away from it. I found this big garbage can , it has rope tied to the top and it hangs down just enough for the rats to get hold of . They get to the top of the can and they fall in trying to get to the food at the bottom(treats ) looks like I got five of those small furry creatures in one night. So that is more humane way. Now I released them several miles away in the woods where they belong. Lol
Good luck with the battle.

I take your battle very seriously. Best of luck my friend.

If I set up a trap like yours, I would have to have some sort of special armor to empty it.

I just had a battle with cats in the roof. Maybe I should combine my problem with your problem and see what happens lol @whatsup @kandywriter

I really cannot come to any conclusion by just hearing one sided story, the game to be fair, I wanna listen to the story of the mouse also. Is he on steemit also?😂😂 What's his username?🤗🤗

This sounds like a great premise for a writing contest.

What say you @whatsup? Shall we see who can come up with the best version of the tale from the viewpoint of the mouse? Hahaha

Excellent idea! Tomorrow I will make a contest!

that's freaking awesome @mikepm74 hahaha

LOL @rocksg omg yeah, I wanna know his username, too! 😂

Oh man, hahaha I'm so glad I found your page @whatsup. Thanks for making me laugh!!

I love how your solution is just to burn it down and start over haha. That's what I'd do, too. It's just easier that way.

You made me actually feel bad for the mouse, because he was equally as scared as you, and then you freaking threw a cheese grater at him, just as I was starting to empathize! hahaha then the evil smirk of the girl on the end "that will teach them both."

If you need a place to stay....and like traveling... I'll be by the beach in Vietnam haha. Always willing to host a psychotic steemian who burns their own house down.

I'll make sure mine is mouse-free, so that you don't burn mine down as well (how do you feel about cockroaches, though...?) haha jk.


I have a little mouse too inside an unreachable wood-walled section of the house (he's between the concrete wall and the wood wall) and digs on the wood every night. I'm always scared off when I'm walking by his home at night and I suddenly hear the digging and scratching. Spooky mouse.

I've seen his eyes once and he's really cute, although my family begs to differ and has tried to feed him poison over all kinds of meals and set mouse traps everywhere. However, it has not fallen to the bait and the fight still goes on. I might have to follow your advice and burn down my house.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It was probably the most fierce life story that I read today ;)

Don't really know who to feel sorry for ;)

Now imagine if it somehow brushes against you? I would have a heart attack.

Don’t hurt mousy! He just wants to snuggle :)

hello sir i requested 3800 sp lease on minnowbooster for 4 weeks 4 steem per 150 totally 101 steem could you fill it for me please ??

Can you elaborate on what you would you use the SP delegation for?

im gamer and I make the video game and is my original and im going to improve my account to share my original job if possible for you fill it for me, I changed apr % to 28.5 % my account is the @brotherhood thanks for answer my message

Sorry, I don't delegate in cases where the primary use case is self-voting. You have a fairly high APR% though - there is a good chance it will get filled by someone else.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

WHAT ABOUT DELEGATING TO THE @heclgang ? We go around hecln posts and then upvote them to give the authors exposure.

I don’t know anything about that project. Maybe..

Just to be clear though - we are talking about SP delegation leases (not free delegations).

I can't help the scream. It is located in some overly alarmed spot in my brain. There are only a few things that trigger this scream in me.

In my case its cockroaches that have this effect on me lol dont judge me, especially the flying ones...

I saw the mouse again this morning, it is now clear that I will have to burn down the house.

Lmao, it will be easier to just accept the mouse as your new tenant, but because of your allergy, mouse trap it all the way, please dont burn the house

lol. I'm off to buy gas, kerosene, and vodka.. to drink as the house burns.

Hahaha im down for the vodka

Calvin wondered why his parents wouldn’t let him and Hobbes get a flamethrower. But you don’t have to ask permission and Elon Musk is selling them. Problem solved.

If you plan it very well, the insurance will cover it.

But if the house is not insured, I strongly advised you get a gun and a cat. You can never lose with a good Tom, the cat, on your side.

lol it looks so nice loll , my wife has musophobia which is the deep fear of rats, mice and rodents in general. It is a widespread phobia that affects mostly women.

I imagine the scream in the highest pitch possible.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It is a horrible noise. I am often startled by it also, which results in a 2nd scream. lol, I'm not even kidding, and I hate being dramatic. I wish I didn't make this noise, but it is involuntary.


Oh, it's reflecting an great battle but really speaking it's really fun to read and the picture reflects the funny position by the mouse by standing on back legs and i liked how you narrated that position as what's the issue was. And in my opinion mouse really gives some tough times to everyone and in turn i can say that while running behind the mouse we can have an nice fitness time. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Reads like a script for a movie

you've been @hecld by the @heclgang
catch @heclgang live monday nights at punkstiny.pngsteemPunks

check the pose of mouse...:)
I found a shy mouse in my home as well, he always run away whenever I try to capture picture

He will probably feel the danger coming his way, leave the house and laugh at your face at how you burned it down over a little rodent, then he will follow you to your next house/apartment because he's actually in love with you and just needs a kiss to turn into a handsome prince...

Or maybe hes not and when you get close enough to him, he'll bite you, infect you with some gangrenous disease and you'll die. RIP.

😂😂😂😂 You're probably handling it better than I would. I'd have burned the house, fumigated the street by myself and still moved to another state.

I really don't like rats 😂

You make me laugh. Most houses have a mouse to talk about. I got rid of ours about a month ago. It did take about 6 weeks though. Good luck. It's not that bad. It's not as though it's a rat or a snake.

Jerry is surely playing mind games with you😂

hello my lovely @whatsup or Whatsapp??? you got my $80.99 upvoted today :)
thanks to me right?

To exterminate mice it is necessary to have a cat, or rather a cat! But the picture is beautiful! A fire is a horror! I wish prosperity!

On so many levels I can relate. Excellent tail. Resteem.

I don't want to unsettle you more than you are, but given its reaction I think the mouse might already know you since a while and is totally used to your presence..

Good idea kappa ... ^^

This post has received a 16.61 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

Jejeje it was a good move burning the house just because of the mouse.My God!

The post unique and funny mice that takes a cat

Very funny @whatsup

Did you really burn down your house cause of a mouse?? What if it were to be an elephant? You'd kill yourself? Lol😃😃😃

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment