"Now we KNOW! You're secretly a MAN!"
I have a question.
What do you want to accomplish? What is your goal?
To me, "proving Michelle is MICHAEL" achieves absolutely nothing. It doesn't catch the Democrats in any deceit that helps THEM achieve political goals. It doesn't catch anyone in a crime or any other kind of deceit that would do harm to them, bring them down, reduce their influence.
Going all the way back to 2008, I have wanted to know the answer to this question....
Or to put it another way, "SO WHAT?"
One of the primary reasons I don't believe it is that it does not HELP THEM accomplish anything political. But exposing it also does not help US achieve anything political.
So why is everyone posting old photoshops of Michelle turned into a man, all of a sudden? I seriously want to know, if you believe Michelle is a man, HOW DOES THAT HELP HER/THEM?
Why would they deceive this way? How do they win anything by it? Answer, they don't. Nobody wins. They don't win by fooling us, and we don't win by exposing it.
Colossal. Waste. Of. Time.