The Most Interested Woman In The World

in microbiome •  7 years ago  (edited)

'The Most Interesting Man In The World' commercial is designed to sell a product. I am promoting a concept that through science we can learn to protect our microbiome and there by improve our environment and health.
The original commercial uses a debonair gentleman who convinces you of the credibility of his recommendation by his looks, voice and environment. I have amazing life adventures, awesome experiences, undeserved opportunities, quirky curiosity, passion for learning, and heavenly hope. It is not by cultural standards that I am making the Most Interesting claim but claiming that we be most interested in our world to propel our lives forward.

The play on words reminds me of an experience I had while living in Sweden and working in a micro lab. Sven, while practicing his English, handed me a journal, and asked, "Are you interesting?" I replied, "What do you think?" He walked away very confused.

The Big Biome Theory
Biome as 'life home'. Macrobiome as 'big life home' composed of innumerable microbiomes or smaller and even 'microscopic life home'. The gut microbiome is essential for human existence. Hundreds of trillions of microorganisms controlling our immune, neuroendocrine, and metabolic processes. Our microbiome was a gift or a curse given to us by our mothers, as was our mitochondria. Her microbiome and mitochondria were given to her by her mother and so on and so on and so on to the first woman. The first woman received her microbiome from the first man who received his microbiome from dirt or 'dust' on the sixth day of creation. The microbiome was in the soil for the creatures on the fifth day of creation. The microbiome in the soil for the plants and the soil was created on the third day of creation. Moisture was made available on the second day and light on the first.

We were fashioned from the soil and it's microbiome; and, we are still connected to it. As the microbiome in the soil is being depleted so is ours. The number of species in the soil is fewer as the number of species in our gut is fewer. The species are not as hearty in the soil just as the species are not as hearty in our gut. Nutrients are fewer in the soil and fewer nutrients are absorbed by our gut.


  1. Protect the soil, protect your gut. One suggestion would be to support
  2. Some bacillus species are your friends
  3. Are a you a Biome Giver or Taker (See the Biome Index based on Ecological, Nutritional and Intentional points)
  4. Grocery Shopper Type relationship to health symptoms (See Grocery Shopper Type)
  5. FAQs: Do aliens have microbiomes, what to pack in an abductee bug out bag, are cremations bad for the soil's microbiome
  6. Are people becoming less and less happy compared to ancestors because of microbiome depletion
  7. Is our soul a collective entity because there are more microorganisms in and on us than there are cells that make us?
  8. If our microbiome has neuroendocrine influences then is there an effect from a fecal transplant from the opposite sex?
  9. My life from a microbiome's point of view
  10. My microbiome made me do it: A different perspective on emotional balance and mental illness

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