The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with a full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability, often used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Developed by Espressif Systems, it is popular due to its versatility, affordability, and wide support from the maker and developer community.
Key Features:
- Processor: Tensilica L106 32-bit RISC processor, clocked at 80 MHz or 160 MHz.
- Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n support, with WPA/WPA2 security.
- GPIOs: General-purpose I/O pins for connecting peripherals like sensors, LEDs, etc.
- Memory: 32KB instruction RAM, 80KB data RAM, and external flash storage support.
- Power: It operates on 3.3V, making it suitable for battery-powered applications.
- Programming: Can be programmed using multiple environments such as Arduino IDE, MicroPython, and NodeMCU (Lua).
Common Uses:
- Home Automation: Connect devices like lights, fans, and appliances to the internet for remote control.
- IoT Projects: Monitoring sensors, collecting data, and sending it to the cloud or other servers.
- Embedded Web Servers: Host small web pages for control or configuration.
- Networking Projects: Create peer-to-peer networks or connect sensors and actuators to a central hub.